6 Sep

First week in Y1

The children have been in role in the Doctors surgery. They have enjoyed making appointments and making people better as part of our topic.

2 Sep

All change!

In our first zoom worship of the new school year we thought about all the things that have changed since we were last in school: Mrs Aylott has retired, Miss Huddleston is leading school this term, we all have a different teacher and we no longer have to stay in our class bubbles, to name just a…

2 Sep

First week in Y1-Funky Fingers- fine motor skills

We have been practicing our fine motor skills by making small peg pictures. 

21 Jul

Last day in Y2

Our last day in the INFANTS!!!

Good Luck in Year 3 everyone!


19 Jul

Last Day in Reception

We had a lovely day in the fresh air. We went on a treasure hunt and then enjoyed the fruits of our success. Afterwards we made dens and pretend campfires. We had fun visiting each others campsites for a chat.


19 Jul

Mrs Aylott’s retirement assembly

Today we said goodbye to Mrs Aylott, who has been our headteacher for the last 18 years. We surprised her with a special assembly in her honour. We welcomed her onto the top playground with a trumpet fanfare (courtesy of Theo and Joshua in Year 6) before each class presented a musical or poetic…

16 Jul

Sports Day with Year 6

We had a gloriously sunny day today for our Year 5 and 6 Sports Day at the field.  We held a variety of races: sprints, hurdles, egg and spoon and, of course, the infamous long-distance!  There was a fantastic atmosphere of excitement and competitiveness but we were most impressed by the way that…

16 Jul

Year 6 leavers’ party 2021

Year 6 enjoyed a leavers’ party with a difference on Friday evening, Due to coved restrictions we were unable to hold our usual leavers’ event, so the teachers hosted a party in school. The children enjoyed a bouncy castle, photo booth, nail painting, hair braiding and the extremely popular water…

15 Jul

Sports Day Fun

We had lots of races and fun!


14 Jul

Sailing Boats

Look at our fantastic boat pictures inspired by the artwork of Chas Jacobs and JMW Turner.


13 Jul

NISCU Year 6 transition lesson

We have all been enjoying the weekly NISCU “disassembles” in our class worship times. Today Year 6 enjoyed an actual, rather than virtual, visit from Debbie and Johnny. They looked at the story of Joseph and the many changes and challenges he faced in his life, before thinking about changes in our…

13 Jul

NISCU visit to Year 6

We have all been enjoying the weekly NISCU “disassembles” in our class worship times. Today Year 6 enjoyed an actual, rather than virtual, visit from Debbie and Johnny. They looked at the story of Joseph and the many changes and challenges he faced in his life, before thinking about changes in our…