Addition using number tracks
We played a game where we scored points for each bean bag we managed to throw into a hoop. We used number tracks to help us work out who scored the most points.

Year 6 go crown green bowling
Year 6 enjoyed an afternoon of crown green bowling with Coach Dan today. We had fun learning how to hold the bowls, the best technique to use and how to ‘read’ the green. We all improved our skills by the end of the session and some of us really surprised ourselves with how accurate we could be.…

Teddy Bears Picnic
The children asked could we have a Teddy bears picnic. We made our own plates and snacks and all children were encouraged to talk about their bears using a full sentence. Older children had to tell the others two facts about their bear.

We have been experimenting with different sized vehicles and tubes. We tried to predict which vehicles would fit down which tube. We tried out our predictions.

Shadow size investigation
Today in Year 3, we have been investigating what happens to a shadow when the light source moves further away.
The children worked in small groups using torches to cast shadows and rulers to measure the heights of the shadows.
We found out that when the light moves further away the shadow…

Australia Day
We looked at many different Australian artefacts e.g. boomerangs, different types of Australian animals and the didgeridoo! We listened to the different sounds made.

Australia Day
We looked at the world map and decided to see some other famous landmarks on our journey to Australia. Firstly, we went left to see the Statue of Liberty in America, then to Europe to see the Eiffel Tower. Next, we went to see the pyramids, then the Great Wall of China and finally flying towards…

Australia Day
We then turned our classroom into an aeroplane, boarded the aeroplane with our passports, had the safety briefing and departed.
we had a bit of turbulence on the way but we thought we would take a few detours to look at other famous landmarks on the way...

Y1 Recognising Coins
We have started learning about coins and their value. We were looking at the similarities and differences between all the coins.

Ambulance Visit
Today Mr Brighouse brought his ambulance to school to show us what they look like inside.

Ambulance Visit
We were lucky to be able to have a look in an ambulance today. We found out about some machines and especially how loud the siren was!! We discussed which emergency number to call and when to do it. Thank you NHS for the fantastic job you do!