9 Jul

Y5 help out at Nursery Sports

Year 5 had chance to help out at the Nursery Sports Day this afternoon. They were responsible for running a selection of activities as well as supporting some of the nursery children as they tried them out. Mrs Atkinson was very grateful for their help.

1 Jul

Police visit

Thank you to Sgt Carson-Brown who came to visit us yesterday, continuing our citizenship work. He told us about the law, the role of the police and the huge variety of jobs within the police. He also reminded us of our responsibilities, especially now that we are all over the age of 10 - the age…

27 Jun

Music in the sunshine!

Year 2 have enjoyed playing musical instruments outside this afternoon. We followed a beat and each group played a different pattern of sounds on a selection of instruments.

19 Jun

Leighton Moss

We had a fantastic day at Leighton Moss learning about habitats, food chains and exploring the reserve following maps.


17 Jun

Magistrates in the Community

Our Citizenship activities continued today with a visit from Magistrates in the Community. Mrs. Randell spent the day with us, explaining the role of the magistrates as well as discussing the consequences and severity of different crimes. In the afternoon, we acted out a trial - a case of…

17 Jun

Wheelchair basketball

Year 6, along with all the other classes in school, enjoyed a session of wheelchair basketball, hosted by Lancaster Bulldogs. We learned to manoeuvre the wheelchairs quickly, changing direction to intercept the ball and to find spaces. We also had great fun! Some of our photos are rather blurred…

12 Jun

Visit to County Hall

As part of our "Citizenship Week" activities, Year 6 visited County Hall in Preston today. We met Mr. Mynott there, who told us all about what the County Council does, how councillors are elected and what happens during council meetings. We all learnt such a lot about democracy, not only within…

24 May

Salt Ayre Sports Festival

Year 6 had a great day out at the annual Salt Ayre Sports Festival. They represented the school very well in a number of activities: hockey, lacrosse, orienteering and korfball. Korfball was a new sport to us - a mix of netball and basketball skills. We entered two teams and were up against some…

17 May

Lune Aqueduct Trip

This week, Year 5 went to Lune aqueduct. We learnt more about its history and also went pond dipping. We finished the trip with a McFlurry (a highlight for some of us!).



14 May

Treasure hunting in the sun

Year 6 enjoyed a lovely afternoon in the sun, working on two maths-based treasure hunts. 

10 May

Ascension and Pentecost

On Thursday we learnt about Ascension and Pentecost by acting out the events with  Mrs Ventress.

10 May

Nursery 'growing' topic.

Out topic this half term is 'growing'. We listened to the story of 'Jack and the beanstalk' then planted our own beans, cress seeds and flowers. We have balanced up a beanstalk into a castle in our outdoor area and looked closely at our beans slowly growing. We are drawing and cutting out leaves…