8 Oct

Ourselves Topic

During our topic of ‘Ourselves’, we had discussed the importance of washing your hands thoroughly and why. We read instructions on how to wash your hands and they are in the toilets to remind us.

8 Oct

Making Fruit Salad

During our ‘Ourselves’ topic, we have been learning about foods which are healthy for us. We designed a fruit salad using healthy fruit and tried to use different varieties. 

We enjoyed using good chopping skills to cut the fruit into small pieces and some children tried some fruits that they…

2 Oct

A very windy day.

Nursery made the most of a wild and windy afternoon this week!

We gathered lots of making materials and made kites to fly. We made sure we used lots of glue so they didn't blow to pieces!

When we had all finished we put on our coats and ran around our big playground and watched our kites…

1 Oct

Our bossy verb hunt!

We started learning about ‘Instructions’ by going on a ‘bossy verb hunt’. We discovered they were all actions that we could do. We wrote them down and used some of them to start our instructions.

24 Sep

Labelling the parts of our body

We drew around a member of Year 1 and enjoyed labelling the different parts of our body.

24 Sep

Jabberwocky Paintings

We have been studying the Jabberwocky poem by Lewis Carroll and discussing the moods that the poem creates. Today we used two primary colours and mixed them to create lots of different shades of colour. We then used paper collages to depict the fantasy characters in the poem: the Bandersnatch, the…

17 Jul

Nursery and reception had a 'summer holiday' themed fun day!

We had a fabulous summer holiday themed fun day, starting with packing a suitcase activities, sun cream safety and even a life like aeroplane experience!!

Our grown ups, brothers and sisters came in the afternoon for some snakes and ladders, limbo, connect 4, bouncy castle, parachute and crazy…

11 Jul

Nursery investigated an exciting vehicle out of the window...

There was lots of excitement today in nursery when friends spotted this man in his vehicle through our window. We quickly went outside to see what he was doing to the lamp post. He waved at us as we watched him change light bulb. Some of us thought this job was the best job…

11 Jul

Nursery sports

We had so much fun at our nursery sports day!

Our grown ups came to watch us and we completed lots of different throwing, catching and balancing events. We then had running races, egg and spoon races and even the sack race!

We were presented with shiny medals whilst everyone…

11 Jul

Nursery visit to church

Nursery went on a shape hunt in church.

 We had a look outside then found lots of different shapes inside too. We explored and looked closely all around.