27 Nov

Pyjama day

We had great fun today enjoying lots of healthy activities.



15 Nov

Enjoying drama.

We had a fantastic session with Ali from Pyjama Drama this morning. We had to help the Gruffalo when he had toothache.



13 Nov

Material Sorting

We have been looking at everyday materials and sorting them in different ways. We discussed their material name and their properties. 

13 Nov

Material Sorting

We have been looking at everyday materials and sorting them in different ways. We discussed their material name and their properties. 

13 Nov

Material Sorting

We have been looking at everyday materials and sorting them in different ways. We discussed their material name and their properties. 

12 Nov

Bible Explorers

This afternoon we welcomed James and Graham from Bible Explorers into school again to work with Year 5. For the next five weeks, they will be coming into our class to help us learn about the Old Testament. We will be learning 40 actions which will help us remember the events of the old testament…

11 Nov

Fashion design club

Fashion design club met after school today for the first time ever, thanks to Mrs. Couchman. If you are interested in joining, there are still places available. 


11 Nov

Printing in Year 6

Today we started our Christmas cards. We needed to start really early as we are making layered prints and they take a long time to dry... We were joined by Mrs St-John, who is an art teacher. She helped us to design an effective image and do our first layer of prints. We'll show you how they turn…

11 Nov


We have been having fun dancing with Coach Louise today. 

11 Nov

Year 1 Dance

Coach Louise is teaching us dance this half term and we are looking at different styles of dance. We were looking at salsa style of dance this week. 

8 Nov

Investigating circulation

Today, we were learning about our circulatory system - how the blood moves around our bodies, providing our muscles with oxygen from our lungs. As part of our learning, we looked at some lambs' hearts to investigate how the vessels are linked inside.


7 Nov

Remembrance event at Clitheroe Castle

On Thursday 7th November, Year 6 visited Clitheroe Castle to learn more about World War 1 and the importance of remembrance. We looked at a special tin, given to each soldier by Princess Mary as a Christmas gift in December 2014. This particular tin was found in no-man's land and contained a…