19 Dec

A pre-Christmas Treat

As it's nearly Christmas, we thought we'd treat ourselves by decorating some biscuits.  They were delicious apparently!!

19 Dec

Shackleton Paintings (with perspective!)

We have been studying the exciting story of the adventurer Shackleton. In art we have also been looking at creating perspective in a picture through use of colour as well as the size of objects. We painted these pictures based on Shackleton's journey across South Georgia and added a family motto…

18 Dec

Christmas Fun -Year 6

Today we had our annual Christmas party.  Great fun was had by all as we played many Christmassy games including the Chocolate Game, the Nativity Dash and, of course, Johnny Smartie!


18 Dec

Christmas Fun!

Today we had our annual Christmas party.  Great fun was had by all as we played many Christmassy games including the Chocolate Game, the Nativity Dash and, of course, Johnny Smartie!


18 Dec

Creating Scientific Keys

In science we have looked at using keys to classify things, particularly living things. Today we used our knowledge of keys to create our own ones for a wide variety of sweets! We had to look at size, colour, texture, the ingredients and the structure in order to sort the different sweets. Look at…

17 Dec

Intra Sports

We enjoyed taking part in Inter-Sports today, where we concentrated on underarm throwing for accuracy and over arm throwing for distance. We worked as a team to get as many points. Well done Red Team! 

17 Dec

Bible Explorer Lessons in Year 6

Over the last 5 weeks, we have been going through the New Testament stories and themes with James Bovinizer from Bible Explorers. We have learnt about every book in the New Testament and learnt some key actions to go with the main ideas. This now means we have covered the entire Bible as we learnt…

16 Dec

Reading with buddies

We enjoyed our buddies coming to share a book with us today. We chose a book that we enjoy and they read it to us. 

16 Dec

Nursery's Christmas inspired artwork!

Christmas time has certainly given us the opportunity to use the skills we have been developing in nursery! 

We we have been busy looking closely at different textures and materials and used some of these to represent snowmen and Santas on our Christmas display. We also used our cutting skills…

16 Dec

Christmas reading with our Year 3 friends

Year 3 visited nursery and shared some Christmas stories with us. 


13 Dec

Key Stage One Christmas Party

A few snaps of our Christmas party.  Not the best pictures I've ever taken but we were too busy having fun to concentrate on quality snaps!!  And the Christmas conga was too much to resist!! :-) 

13 Dec

Carol singing at Williamson's Court

This year we were invited to go to the new sheltered housing development at Williamson's Court to sing carols. The manager had asked us what charities we support and when we told them about the Olive Branch, they decided to make a collection of food to donate to the Olive Branch. Today we went,…