"Healthy Heads" with Coach Dan
Year 5 are enjoying a series of lessons with Coach Dan, all based around having a healthy mind as well as a healthy body. So far, we have been thinking about resilience, confidence and gratitude. After working in the classroom on these topics, we go out and try to show these same qualities as we…

Maths Fun- making numbers to 20
We have been exploring how we can make numbers to 20 by looking at the tens and ones in a number.

Coach Steve is coming in this half term to help teach us the fundamentals in cricket. Not only are we working on throwing, hitting and catching, but also to be a good sport and show the ‘ spirit of cricket’.
This week we took our first look at the operation of division. Here we are exploring division as 'sharing'.
Conversations in French!
Today in French we had the opportunity to have simple conversations with Monsieur Pouey and Mademoiselle Lemaire who are visiting from France. We practised talking about the weather, describing ourselves and where we live as well as what foods we like. It was great to improve our…
Re-enacting the Seder Meal
In RE we have been learning about the Jewish Passover, which celebrates the freedom of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. Today we recapped the story and re-enacted the traditional Seder meal. We learnt about the significance and symbolism of the different food items that are…
Coach Steve
Coach Steve has been coming in to teach us some cricket skills in P.E. this term. We have learnt to hold the bat properly and to strike a ball off a tee or cone. We have also brushed up on our rolling and underarm throwing skills.

Superhero Day
We made masks and either a cape or a shield when we celebrated together on our Superhero Day. Then we went flying through the sky! Can you recognise us behind our masks?
Plasticine Relief Self Portraits
At long last the materials arrived so we could make our plasticine relief faces. Can you tell who is who?
Our first look at multiplication
We used multi-link cubes to take a first look at multiplication. We learnt about multiplication as 'groups of' and made groups of cubes before writing the number sentences.
Christmas Crafts
Just a few of our Christmassy themed craft activities for you all to see this week.