2 Mar

Nursery and Reception Stay and Play

We had a lovely time this afternoon reading and playing reading games with our parents, aunties and grandparents.



26 Feb

Forces in Water

We have been investigating upthrust in water by adding coins into boats of different shapes.  We also looked at how boats with different shapes moved through water. 

25 Feb

Historic Scotforth walk

Year 5 have been studying the local area in their history and geography lessons recently. To round off their work, they spent this afternoon walking into Lancaster from school, searching out some of the oldest buildings in Scotforth and linking them to some of the important characters they have…

25 Feb


This afternoon, we began our Rainforests topic and to begin, we had to find out the meanings of these words. We had to use dictionaries and some detective skills to match these words to their meanings. Do you know the meaning of any of these words? Check the photo gallery below to see if you are…

24 Feb

Dinosaur Footprints

Today, we found a trail of footprints all round school. We asked lots of questions and even asked Mrs Aylott if she had seen anything that could have made the footprints! We came up with lots of ideas and followed the trail. When we got back into the classroom, look at what we found!!!!!

24 Feb

Year Two Shape Sorting

To start our new maths topic about 2D and 3D shapes, we sorted lots of different shapes into groups.  Can you tell what our sorting criteria were?

14 Feb

Superheroes- People who help us

As part of our topic, we had another parent coming to tell us about how she helps people in the St John’s Ambulance. We enjoyed hearing about what she does and loved looking at the medals she had been awarded, especially from the Queen! 

Thank you for coming in. 

12 Feb

Making frames in DT

We have been investigating different types of shelters and materials. Linked to our topic about explorers and Shackelton's Antarctic expedition, we have planned our own shelters that would be suitable for cold, windy conditions. Today we practised making secure frames out of wood. We measured…

11 Feb

Rain Gauge

Look how much water we have collected this week! We will be monitoring how much rainfall we get in the coming months and also look at the temperature. 

11 Feb

Finger Puppets

Year Two are learning all about puppets.  First we explored different types of puppets using books, pictures and the real thing before having a go at making our own finger puppets.  

We had to make a template by drawing around three fingers and adding some detail like a unicorn horn or pointy…

11 Feb

Lancaster Firefighter Visit

Three firefighters came to visit Year 2 this afternoon.  They taught us all about keeping safe from smoke and fire in our homes.  We learnt to "Get out, call them out and to stay out"!  What would you do if there was a fire in your home?