Making musical instruments
Year 5 have had fun this week, making their own musical instruments. They have previously spent time investigating how different instruments make sounds before planning and designing their own.

Planting seeds
In RE we have been looking at stories Jesus told, called Parables. This is the Parable of the Sower. The children re-told the story and they planted a sunflower seed each.
Year Two Recycling Wagon
We had a very exciting visit from some real life superheroes! The recycling wagon came to see us at school and told us all about recycling including the importance of reusing as much as we possibly can. We learnt that our land fill sites are getting too full so we must all do our bit. An easy…
Nursery learnt how to recycle our rubbish with a visit from the bin wagon and the recycling team at Lancaster city council
Today nursery had an exciting visit from a recycling team who helped us sort rubbish out into the correct green bins. We had a close look at the big recycling truck and the bin men showed us how they put the rubbish from our green boxes into a wheelie bin, then they showed us how the truck crushed…

Visit from Lancaster City Council recycling team
We had a great time learning about recycling our rubbish and why it is so important.
EYFS superhero litter pick morning.
We invited our grown ups into school this morning to help us be an environmental superhero!
We put on some special gloves to protect our hands and set about the playground looking for litter that we could put in the bin.
Thank you to all the adults that joined us in helping keep our…

A visit from a health visitor
Thank you to Joanne for coming into our class today. As part of our superhero topic (people who help us), we had one of our parents coming in and showing what she does. She showed us how she would weigh a baby, measure the baby and the resources she needs to check a child’s development.
February Large Apparatus in P.E.
In P.E. this term we have been putting our travelling, jumping and rolling skills to the test on the large apparatus. We soon discovered we could go up and down the climbing frame but travelling through proved to be a much bigger challenge. The ropes were also very tricky but some of us managed…
Maths Arrays
In maths we are learning that multiplication and division are inverse operations. We know that we can multiply any numbers in any order but this is not true when dividing. We have also learnt that good mathematicians like to be organised and one good way to organise our thinking is by using an…
PE / PSHE Sessions with Coach Dan
Over this half-term we have been learning about qualities that make us effective sports people and how these can help us in our wider lives. We have looked at confidence, perseverance, resilience, team work and encouragement. In every session we have discussed different qualities and then…
Police officer visit
We all went in the back of the police van today! We tried on the police uniform and found out all about how the police keep us safe.
Chinese New Year celebrations in nursery
We helped celebrate Chinese New Year and the year of the rat by learning all about dragon dances, Chinese food and and traditional customs our friends are celebrating this week. Take a look at some photos of our fun activity…