27 Jun

Buddy Afternoon

We enjoyed an afternoon with our Year 5 buddies. We looked at the different countries taking part in the World Cup. We all got given a flag and we had to find the right colours to colour it in. Our buddies then read us a story and played with us outside.

22 Jun

Year 3 Leighton Moss Visit

Year 3 had a fabulous time at Leighton Moss.  We learnt a lot about soil as part of our science topic and also spent time learning more about the beautiful range of birds found in our local woodlands.

15 Jun

Magistrates Visit


12 Jun

Citizenship week - budget setting

Today we have focussed on our place as citizens of Lancaster. We have learnt about how counties and cities are run and the services they provide for the people who live in them. We found out about the difficult decisions which councillors have to make about the way they spend money, to best help…

11 Jun

Citizenship week - Police visit.

Sergeant Carson-Brown came to visit Year 6 at the start of their Citizenship Week. He talked to us about the role of the police in the community and answered lots of questions. We also acted out a story about a character who is suspected of stealing from a car. We will continue the story on…

6 Jun

Hundertwasser canvases

We have studied the architect and artist Hundertwasser. A group of us made these canvases in our own time. We created our own pictures in his style. 

26 May

Lancaster and Morecambe Sports Festival

On Friday 25th May, all of Year 6 attended the Lancaster and Morecambe Sports Festival along with over 20 other schools.  There were many sports being played throughout the day and we entered a team in the orienteering, tag rugby, hockey and dodgeball competitions. Every child did brilliantly in…

25 May

Evaluating our Delicious Sandwiches

After making our sandwiches we thought carefully about the quality of our sandwiches.  We tasted our own sandwich and at least two other sandwiches.  Some of them were delicious but others were not quite so tasty!

25 May

Sensational Sandwiches

After designing our own healthy, balanced sandwiches we made our own.  Some of us used quite unusual combinations of ingredients like chicken, strawberries and lettuce or banana, tuna and cucumber but as we were aiming for the correct balance of ingredients, we decided to give them a…

25 May

Bread Tasting

In class we have been learning all about healthy eating and nutrition.  We looked at the plate for good health and know that we should aim to eat the right balance of foods.  In these pictures we are taste testing a range of different breads in preparation for our sandwich designing…

24 May

Fun at the field

We enjoyed a morning at the field with Year 1 and Year 2. We were lucky enough to get an ice lolly too.

23 May

Fun at the Netball!

We all had great time at the netball tournament at Moorside School today. We may not have won, but well done everyone on your great sportsmanship and attitude.