23 May

Fun at the netball!

We all had great time at the netball tournament at Moorside School today. We may not have won, but well done everyone on your great sportsmanship and attitude.


23 May

Pirate Day

Reception have had a super busy day. We hunted for jigsaw pieces to make a pirate puzzle, once we completed this we could get the treasure. We had to walk the plank! We enjoyed making our own parrots this afternoon. Have a look at the photos to see all the fun we've had :)

22 May

Hogwarts Job Applications

This week Year 5 have been writing application letters for jobs at Hogwarts. On Tuesday the class acted as application panels and decided whether the letters were strong enough to be accepted for the jobs applied for.

21 May

Floating and Sinking

In our topic lessons we have been learning about floating and sinking. After testing different materials we chose the ones we wanted to use to make our own boats. We then tested to see if our boats would float or sink.

20 May

Royal Wedding

Reception enjoyed coming to school dressed to celebrate the Royal Wedding. We made flags and had a picnic lunch.

18 May

Post-SATS Celebrations!

We have enjoyed a day of relaxing and playing games in the sun today to celebrate the end of SATS and to thank the children for their fantastic attitude and hard-work over the last few weeks! We’re really proud of you all. Mrs Redmayne and Miss Huddleston.


17 May

Year 3 and 4 Netball Tournament

On Tuesday 15th May, we entered three teams of Year 3 and 4 children in the inter-schools netball tournament at Moorside School. We played really enthusiastically and with a great sporting attitude. In the girls' competition we played really well and came a creditable 4th. In the boys' competition…

17 May

Team Building Exercises

Today, Year 5 have been doing some team building exercises with Miss Flynn as part of their PSHE lesson. 

17 May

Year 3 and 4 Netball Tournament

On Tuesday 15th May, we entered three teams of Year 3 and 4 children in the inter-schools netball tournament at Moorside School. We played really enthusiastically and with a great sporting attitude. In the girls' competition we played really well and came a creditable 4th. In the boys' competition…

14 May

Enjoying the sunshine

Here are Reception enjoying some much needed sunshine. We've got our fingers crossed that it's here to last!

9 May

Cats Performance Poetry

Year 4 dressed up as cats ready to perform to songs from the musical Cats.

9 May

The Lighthouse House Keepers Lunch

We are focusing on instruction writing in Literacy this week so we made sandwiches and will then write up instructions for how we made them.