9 Feb

Park visit

In RE we have been learning about stories Jesus heard. We thought about stories we've heard and where we've heard them. We talked about how we can hear stories in lots of places so we went to the park to listen to a story. After the story we got to play on the park :)


9 Feb

Y3 P.E.

Year 3 just love the large apparatus in P.E.!  Here we are showing off our skills....

8 Feb

NISCU visit about forgiveness

Our worship theme this half term is forgiveness and so today we were visited by Louise Mosey who told us the amazing story of forgiveness within her family. On 21st December 1988, Louise's sister-in-law was killed in the Lockerbie plane crash. When the family heard of the crash they very quickly…

7 Feb

Year 6 Internet Safety Session

This afternoon we were visited by PCs Dennis and Emma who talked to us about how to keep us safe on the internet. 

6 Feb

Fun in the snow!

Here are Reception enjoying the snow at playtime!


6 Feb

Snow Day!!

6 Feb

Haka Dance

5 Feb

Romans Visit 2018


On Friday, year three went to the Museum for a Romans workshop.  Whilst there we met a Roman called Marcus who told us all about life as a Roman soldier. 

2 Feb

WOW writers

Our new WOW writers of the week are: Lily, Grace, Monty, Emily and Robin

Well done

29 Jan

Peace Proms Extravaganza!

Liverpool rocks! On Saturday 27th January, children from Year 5 and 6 performed with over 2000 other children at the Echo Arena, Liverpool. We were accompanied by the Cross Border Youth Orchestra, Ireland who were brilliant.  We had been practising the songs (and moves!) for many weeks and had a…