World Book Day
For World Book Day, Y4 came to school dressed in their favourite book characters. The costumes were amazing! We have been designing book spines with the title of our favourite book and we have also taken part in 'Ring-a-Read'. We have had the chance to meet an author…
After listening to the story of "Oliver's vegetables" we washed potatoes and carrots in our water tray. We chopped the vegetables making wedges and vegetable soup. The red cabbage turned the soup purple!!!!! We liked the wedges best.
We went out this morning after putting on waterproof trousers by ourselves. We threw lots of snowballs.
We're practising hard for the music festival.
We've had a visit from Mrs Pilkington,the lady who organises the music festival, so we know all the moves and actions to the songs now. Remember to return your form promptly especially if you want extra tickets! It's a great experience for the children and an enjoyable evening out.
This half term we will be doing gymnastics in PE. We will work on balances, jumps and rolls in order to make our own sequences. Here we are trying different balances.
Y4 Wheelchair basketball
We have had lots of fun playing wheelchair basketball. Mrs McMenamin joined in too.
Wheelchair Basketball Session
Today we were visited by John and Dennis from Lancaster Bulldogs Wheelchair Basketball Club. We all had a great time playing with three very close and intense games!
Sorting 2d shapes
We came up with different ways to sort 2d shapes. We tried to come up with 4 different ways! We looked at the number of corners,sides and colour.