29 Jan

Peace Proms Extravaganza!

Liverpool rocks! On Saturday 27th January, children from Year 5 and 6 performed with over 2000 other children at the Echo Arena, Liverpool. We were accompanied by the Cross Border Youth Orchestra, Ireland who were brilliant.  We had been practising the songs (and moves!) for many weeks and had a…

29 Jan

Peace Proms Extravaganza!

Liverpool rocks! On Saturday 27th January, children from Year 5 and 6 performed with over 2000 other children at the Echo Arena, Liverpool. We were accompanied by the Cross Border Youth Orchestra, Ireland who were brilliant.  We had been practising the songs (and moves!) for many weeks and had a…

26 Jan

WOW writers

Our new WOW writers of the week are: Elijah G, Isabelle, Gracie, Lloyd and Emilia

Well done

26 Jan

Keeping teeth healthy

We have been thinking about how to keep our teeth healthy. We have a display in our classroom that shows the sugar content in lots of different drinks. The results have surprised us! 

We are carrying out an investigation to see what happens to the shell of hard-boiled eggs when they are left in…

26 Jan

Learning lacrosse

We have been learning how to play lacrosse. It has been lots of fun. We have had a go at scooping and pop passing. 

26 Jan

Our visit to St Paul's Church with Mrs Ventress

During RE on Thursday the class visited St Paul's Church with Mrs Ventress to learn more about the areas and objects within the building and their significance. 


19 Jan

WOW writers of the week

Reception will now have 5 WOW writers of the week and their work will be displayed on our WOW writing wall.

This weeks WOW writers are Ella, Holly A, Kacey, Xavier and Luke. Well done and keep up the good writing!

19 Jan

Police visit

The police came to help us learn all about their dangerous job. We got to see all the equipment they use, the uniforms they wear and the van they drive. The children all had a great morning!

19 Jan

Police visit

We we had a fun and informative visit from two very patient police officers today. The children had a great time and learnt lots about the role of the police.

19 Jan

Mrs Boyle Handcuffed!

I got handcuffed too ! ☹️

19 Jan


We even got to try the handcuffs!