Bible Explorers
Year 6 have enjoyed a series of lessons about the Old Testament, led by James from Bible Explorers. We have learnt about a range of Bible stories from Creation to the time just before Jesus was born, and learnt how they all fit in time order. As part of the programme, we have memorised a series of…
Mr Stephens visits Year 3
Mr Stephens came to see Year 3 today to tell us all about his job. He manages a car dealership in Blackburn. He also brought with him a sports car which went down really well with the children, especially when they got to sit inside it.
Chirnside House Carol Singing
Today we went to Chirnside House, a local residential home for the elderly, to sing carols. Reverend Michael also spoke and two of the children read passages from the Bible. We had been practising traditional carols all week and got a great reception…
Sianna's mum visits Y3
Sianna's mum came to talk to Y3 about her job at the power station!! We learnt a lot about all the different jobs that people do there and even more about electricity!
Class assembly
We have been thinking about others less fortunate than us especially at Christmas time. We did an assembly to the whole school talking about hopes and wishes for others at Christmas time. We used big clear voices and confidently spoke to the whole school!
Igloo completion
Our new writing igloo is up and running. The children were all very excited and it has encouraged lots of independent writing!! :)
Egyptologist visits Y4
Year 4 have been visited by an Egyptologist today. We have learnt lots of interesting facts and even had a go at mummification!
Buddy film afternoon
As a reward for filling our marble jar for good sitting, listening and tidying we enjoyed a film afternoon with our Year 5 buddies.
Snow at Scotforth!
Y3 decided to brave the cold and play out in the snow!! It was very chilly so we didn't stay long!! And sadly there wasn't enough snow to make a big snowman. We did try though!!!
Internet Safety session
We have been visited today by Cyber-Safe, who have reminded us about keeping safe online. We discussed top tips for keeping safe online, including being very careful with our personal information.
Happy birthday Daisy!
Daisy is our class bear and our parents came to celebrate her birthday with us. We made her lovely birthday cards and played games!
It was brilliant to have such a great turn out from parents. Thank you so much for coming and we hope you had lots of fun :)
Teddy bear hospital
Student doctors from the university came to help us make our poorly teddies better. We learnt about what we can do to keep ourselves healthy! We loved becoming doctors for the morning!