Igloo building
We've been busy making an igloo that will become our new writing area within the classroom. Check back to see the finished product :)
Christmas Prints
After weeks of designing and printing different layers, our Christmas prints are finished! Here are some of the results...
Monty's dad came to visit us; he helped us to learn all about America and Thanksgiving. We had lots of brilliant questions to ask him. He also brought in yummy cupcakes for us to try! We made our own American flags.
Christmas Fair enterprise success
Well done to all the Year 6 enterprise groups, who have worked hard throughout the week to produce some excellent products to sell at last night's Christmas Fair. As a class, we made a profit of approximately £200, which is an amazing achievement. We will reveal the winning team next…
Science investigations
We have been learning about friction in science this half term. Here are some of the investigation we have carried out to support our learning.

Great Scotforth Bake Off
Paul Hollywood has nothing on Year 5! We have been baking bread as part of our Design and Technology work.
Year 5 and 6 Peace Proms rehearsal
Year 5 and 6 had a fantastic day out in Liverpool for our first Peace Proms rehearsal. Our fantastic international conductor, Greg Beardsell, put us through our paces, focusing on both the words and actions. It was hard work but great fun and we really enjoyed driving below ground in our…
Joseph's uncle visits Y3
Joseph's uncle Geoff came to talk to Y3 about his career in the fire service. He brought past and present uniforms for us to try on and to compare! We learnt a lot and now lots of us would like a job in the fire service.
Year 4 Egyptian Day
Year 4 had a fantastic Egyptian day. We made Egyptian bread and played lots of games. We had fun wrapping each other up!
Year 5 and 6 at the Peace Proms Rehearsal, Liverpool
Year 5 and 6 had a fantastic day out in Liverpool for our first Peace Proms rehearsal. Our fantastic international conductor, Greg Beardsell, put us through our paces, focusing on both the words and actions. It was hard work but great fun and we really enjoyed driving below ground in our…
Enterprise Week
Year 6 has been transformed into Santa's workshop as we prepare products for our Christmas Fair, which will take place next Friday after school.
It's Christmas!
Year 5 have been getting in the Christmas spirit and making christmas decorations for the school fair. Come and buy our fantastic decorations at the fair on Friday 8th of December.