2 Feb

Making our own bread

We used our plans to mix, knead, shape, bake and decorate our own bread. We worked sensibly and safely and our finished products were very impressive. 

1 Feb

Y1 comparing numbers

We enjoyed comparing numbers numbers to 20 with different resources today. 

1 Feb

Static electricity

Today, we have made our hair stand on end by creating static electricity and learning the science behind it. We rubbed balloons on our jumpers and hovered them above our hair. Using the same method, we also tried to pick up small pieces of paper from the table and tried to attract our balloon to…

31 Jan

DT- looking at different bread textures

After reading The Little Red Hen, we looked at different types of bread. We looked at the texture,  the colour and what we thought about each one. 

31 Jan

We are real life superheroes

We have some new visitors this week. We are being real life superheroes and looking after two Guinea pigs. We will help to feed them and check they have water.

30 Jan

Passover 2024

In R.E. Y6 have been learning about how God used Moses to lead the Jewish people out of slavery in Egypt. Just as Jesus did, Jews today still remember this significant event in their history, through the festival of Passover. Today we had fun re-creating a Passover Seder and were able to…

30 Jan

People Who Help Us

We really enjoyed Emily coming in today to tell us how she helps people in her job. We explored all the different emotions and helped animals along the way. Thank you, Emily

29 Jan

The Great British bird count

Today we took part in the national bird count. We saw two pigeons and four crows!

We used our binoculars to look up 8th the trees.

26 Jan

Sketching our super self portraits

This afternoon, we were sketching our self portraits. We used sketching pencils (lots of excitement occurred!) to be able to be more accurate with our lines and shapes and the light and dark parts of our face.

26 Jan

Who built the ark?

This week we have started listening to the stories Jesus would have heard when he was a little boy. We decided to make our own arks and fill them with animals. The story is really good for supporting our counting.

26 Jan

Electricity dance

Miss Helen is teaching us dances linked to our Science topic on electricity. We have thought of different movements to make an electrical circuit dance with a partner and incorporated switches, wires and different components into our sequence. 

22 Jan

Y5 Circuit Training

In P.E. this half term we are working on improving our fitness.  Here we are completing seven different activities in our circuit training session.