Finding definitions
We have been exploring the meaning of words by using both book and online dictionaries to locate words and write the definitions. We will be using these words when we write our non-chronological report.

Life Education
Thank you to Steve, who came into Reception. He spoke to us about our bodies and how we can stay healthy. We also got a visit from Harold the giraffe.

Our new unit
We have had a lot of fun in the past two weeks exploring our new unit. We have met new children and tried new activities. Nursery parents are very welcome to stay and play for the first 15 minutes of every day.

Rock kids
The children were very excited to dance to their very own Rock band. We joined in with a song all about keeping trying when things get tricky.

Identifying solids that behave like liquids
Following on from last weeks lesson about solids and liquids, we have been looking at solids that often behave like liquids. They can be poured and take the shape of the container they are in. We were given the task of identifying each solid by using Easi-Scopes which magnify each particle onto…

Chrome books in action
There was great excitement this afternoon in Year 6 as everyone signed into our Chromebooks for the first time and used them in our art lesson. We used them to research three artists, from different periods of history, who used the medium of drawing in their work: Michaelangelo, Edward Ardizzone…

Outdoor Maths
We have been revising our knowledge of place value this week. As the sun was shining today, we took the opportunity to get outside and work in groups to challenge each other with our use of function machines, involving multiplying and dividing whole numbers by powers of 10.

Place Value investigation
This morning, Year 2 were investigating how many numbers they could make with only six pieces of Base 10. It was a challenge to find all of them!

Making 100 in Year 3
We are looking at the number 100 and what it looks like using real objects... We used objects around the classroom to make a 100 in different ways. We stacked and grouped our objects to make them easier to count. We have shown in many different ways that ten lots of ten make 100!

Bridge Challenge 2023
Yesterday as part of PSHE Mrs Ventress set us a challenge. We had to build a bridge using limited time and materials, which fitted a specific brief. We worked in teams and we’re judged not only on how many toy cars our finished bridge would hold but also our teamwork skills. Was the winning team…

NISCU visit Y6
Debbie and Abbie came to teach us about the life journey of St.Paul, who our school is named after. We found out how meeting God changed the direction of his life completely. We saw how his life journey contained trials, persecution and triumphs and looked at how he was able to overcome these with…

Y1 Self Portraits
We used our sense of sight to look closely at our faces. We chose the correct colours and discussed the features of our faces.