Exploring atlases in Year 3
In geography we are finding out about the countries in different continents. Today we used the indexes at the back of the atlases to look up different countries such as Brazil, France and Egypt. We found out which continents the countries are in and also used the maps to find out which countries…

Today we made repeated patterns.
Today we made repeated patterns. We used lots of different fruits to do this, we had so much fun!

Y5/6 Boys Football Tournament
Well done to the children who represented Scotforth St Paul’s this week. We made it to the semi-finals!
Thank you to our wonderful parents for your support.

Mental maths methods activity
Year 6 spent today’s maths lesson investigating the different mental methods, and informal jottings, which we could use to solve a variety of addition and subtraction problems. We worked in pairs to discuss how we could work out the answers and were surprised by the number of different…

Senses-smelling experiment
The children enjoyed predicting what they could smell. It was interesting that some children thought it was chips when it was tomato sauce!

Autumn Walk
We explored the school grounds to find out what happens in autumn. We went to the horse chestnut tree and spotted all the colours that the leaves are turning. We also picked up something that we could draw back in class.

Art inspired by Keith Haring
We have been enjoying looking at the pictures of Keith Haring in our graffiti art unit. He uses bright colours to show lots of people, often moving and having fun! We particularly liked the picture ‘Dance Party’ and have made our own versions using collage. We had to practise drawing moving people…

Nigeria fact finding
We played a game this afternoon to help us to learn more about the African country, Nigeria.

Fluent Fables (reading with expression and flow!)
In English we have been reading lots of different fables. We have been looking especially at Aesop’s fable, ‘The Hare and the Tortoise’. Today we practised reading it aloud and taking the different character roles. We had to look carefully at the inverted commas (speech marks) to see the exact…
Our Grafitti Tags
We have been exploring at the different "tags" that graffiti artists such as Banksy use. They are like their autographs. We designed our own and cut out stencils from our designs. Graffiti artists often use spray paints with their stencils but we sponged different colours instead. We then used…

Where does the number go?
Today, we have been using blank number lines to estimate where a number would be on it. We had to work out the start and end number on the number line as well as counting the intervals, using midpoints helped us.

Year 6 have been learning the classic poem, Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. Many of the words are nonsense words, so we spent some time thinking about what these words could mean. This morning, we ventured down to the woods to rehearse and film our own performance of Jabberwocky. In groups, we found…