Where is the best place to dry our washing?
Today we were investigating the best place to dry our washing. Each group chose a different type of cloth and decided how much water to put on each one. We had to put the same amount on each one to make sure the test was fair. We weighed the cloths and then chose different locations around the…

Year 6 quizmasters at work
This term in Year 6 we have been reading the story “Stay Where You Are and then Leave” by John Boyne. As we near the end of the novel, we have decided to test each other’s knowledge of the story by writing our own quizzes on Purple Mash. Once they have been created, we will be able to share them…

Well-being Wednesday
What a day! This afternoon we spent the time thinking about our well-being. With so many activities on offer, it was hard to choose which ones would help us be happy and calm. Thank you to all the staff, governors and parents for organising and supervising the activities.

1666 architecture drawing
Today, we have been looking at buildings from 1666 and using our observation skills to make detailed drawings of them for a 3D diorama.

Year 4 orienteering
Year 4 spent some time this afternoon orienteering in the playground. The children had to identify the buildings and features on the map and then orientate the map correctly. There were 9 checkpoints around the school grounds identified by a number. At each checkpoint there was a letter which when…

Building a Sukkah
Today we learned about how Jewish people celebrate harvest. They build Sukkahs - temporary huts in which Jews may eat, sleep or spend time in during their week long festival of Sukkot. We tried building our own and made sure that there was a way that the stars and sky could be seen.

NISCU visit
A very big thank you to Debbie Green for coming in to school this afternoon to help us with our learning about the Bible. Never before have we ever seen such a large bible!

This week we have been talking about the jobs farmers do in God’s wonderful world. We have looked closely at fruits and vegetables that grow at this time of year. We predicted what we might see when we cut the squashes open and if the colour on the outside made a difference to the inside.

Street Art in the Year 3 & 4 Corridor
Here are our finished pictures in the style of the street artist Keith Haring! We are really proud of them.

Dissection of a flower
Today in Year 5 we dissected flowers to find all the main reproductive parts. We knew the names of the parts but bringing the outside in helped us to learn where each part was and its function in pollination and fertilisation. We had remembered a lot from our lessons in Year 3 where Mrs Dowson…
Year 2 RE
Today we had a visit from Debbie and Abi from NISCU. We learnt about some of the stories from the Bible and how the Bible is important and special for Christians. We sang some songs and made our own mini Bibles.

Non-Newtonian fluid
We have been exploring the mixture of cornflour and water. It is known as a non-Newtonian fluid as it doesn’t follow the rules for either a solid or a liquid. We squeezed it, turning it into a solid and them let it go to see it turn back into a liquid. It was really fun, interesting and…