Does gas weigh?
Today we have been learning about Joseph Priestley, the man who invented fizzy drinks. He worked out that if he put a gas called carbon dioxide into drinks it made them fizzy. We have been investigating whether gas weighs anything by shaking bottle and letting the carbon dioxide escape. We found…

Dancing raisins
We made raisins dance today by putting them into a glass of lemonade. The bubbles (carbon dioxide) made the raisins dance. We talked about how this happens.

Y1 Taste Testing RE
We did some food tasting with fruits and vegetables that had been brought in. We spoke about how harvest is different all around the world and The Bible tells us we should show our love through sharing, and that is how we have all these foods from around the world. We also discussed whether we…

Y1 Taste Testing
We really enjoyed discussing which foods we should eat and shouldn’t eat as part of our ‘Brilliant Bodies, Brilliant Brains’ topic. We used our sense of ‘taste’ to try the delicious fruits and vegetables that the children brought in. We even had some avocados fresh from Nigeria !
We enjoyed…

Tony Peek (Poet) in Year 3
To celebrate National Poetry Day, the poet Tony Peek came to Scotforth and visited Year 3 (as well as all the other classes!) He performed lots of his poems (we particularly enjoyed his funny ones!) and helped us to write some alliteration poems and rhymes. We are looking forward to reading his…

Surveying sandwich fillings in Year 3
In DT we are going to be making sandwiches. We started this week by discussing different sandwich fillings and came up with loads! We then carried out a survey to find out which sandwich fillings we prefer as a class. We used tallying to collect our data and next we will put our results into a…

Scotforth celebrates National Poetry Day
Today we celebrated National Poetry Day with a visit from the poet Tony Peek. He shared lots of his poems and stories at a whole school assembly this morning and then visited each class for a workshop during the day. He read from his books and then we wrote lots of different poems using…

Poetry day.
Today we have had a visit from Tony Peek, a poet. We have listened to lots of amazing poems and we got to dance and sing.

Y1 Greater Than and Less Than
We were investigating greater and less than numbers using lots of maths resources.

Y1-Tony Peek Visit
We enjoyed a visit from the poet and author, Tony Peek today at school. He shared some of his poems and songs with us. We did some amazing fish dancing and laughed a lot.

Poetry workshop
Today we have had a visit from Tony Peek, a poet. We have listen to lots of amazing poems and even had a go at writing some of our own.

Separating mixtures
We have been discussing different ways of separating mixtures such as hand separation, sieving or sifting and using magnets (which was a recap on our knowledge from Y3). We had a variety of different mixtures that we had to separate using sieves that had lots of different sized holes. We had to…