Finished Musical Instruments
The moment you have all been waiting for - our finished products. We hope you are impressed.

STEM Light investigations
This afternoon, Year 6 had a visit from David Spreadbury, an engineer and scientist who brought along lots of interesting practical activities to support this term’s work on light and how we see things.
David had made lots of gadgets himself to help us understand more about how light travels,…

A living Lancaster timeline
Year ventured down to the field for our history lesson this morning. We wanted to create a timeline showing the development of the city of Lancaster, from its Roman origins to the twentieth century. Our timeline was far too long to fit into the classroom, but we had plenty of room on the field.…

Changing the shape of materials
Year two had fun in science today - squashing, bending, twisting and stretching different materials.

Making Musical Instruments
Today we have been making musical instruments using recycled materials.
Thank you to all our parents who helped us find the materials we needed at home.
We will finish our instruments in the morning.
Watch this space for our finished products.

Investigating angles
Today, we made angle measures and then took them outside to find and identify different angles outdoors. We made acute, obtuse and right angles with our bodies before looking at different angles around us. We used sticks and twigs to make shapes and labelled the different angles.

Year 2 Church visit
Year 2 visited St Paul’s Church. Rev Rebecca showed us around and told us about the different things within the church.

An epic trip- Shackelton's Journey
In Year 5, we are loving reading "Shackleton's Journey" by William Grill and "Ice Trap" by Meredith Hooper.
We have learnt all about explorers in Victorian and Edwardian times and the continent of Antarctica. We have written letters to apply to become one of the crew onboard the Endurance,…
Investigating teeth (using eggs?!)
In science, we have been investigating teeth, their functions and how to look after them. We wanted to find out which drinks damaged teeth the most and so last week we set an experiment using hardboiled eggs to see the effect that different liquids had on their shells. In our groups, we chose 3…

Year 4 Art
Year 4 have been looking at two artists in this block of work. Hundertwasser was an Austrian painter and architect who enjoyed environmental campaigning. Karla Gerard is an American folk artist producing paintings and textile pieces.
The children built up their skills in drawing with a variety…

Food and Nutrition lessons
This afternoon we welcomed Mr Needham into Year 6 for the first of our sessions on nutrition and healthy eating. We had a general overview of what makes a balanced diet and got to sample some fruit and vegetables that contain a large proportion of water.
Investigating counties of the U.K.
In geography we have been learning about the 4 countries that make up the UK. We have learnt about the capital cities, the different flags, patron saints and each country's emblem. Today we focused on counties. We found out that each country within the UK is divided into counties. There are…