5 May

The King’s Coronation

We learnt about the weird and wonderful foods served at Coronations in years gone by and designed our own menu.

5 May

Kings and Queens

We coloured our own crowns and were kings and queens for the day!

5 May

King’s Coronation

We tested our knowledge with a fun Coronation quiz.

5 May

Coronation Celebrations

Today we learnt all about the upcoming Coronation events.  Here we are designing our own mosaics inspired by the floor of Westminster Abbey.

5 May

Our Plants so far!

Our plants have started growing! We are super excited to take them home soon. 

4 May


After hearing the story of Jack and his beanstalk, the children were very keen to plant their own beans. We looked at different coloured beans and compared their sizes. The children are watering the beans and checking them daily.

4 May

Investigating string telephones

We made string telephones in our science lesson and then took them outside to test whether they worked. We came up with lots of questions to investigate including, does the length of the string matter? Can we have a conversation when the string is not taut? And can more than 2 people be part of…

3 May

Cross-curricular orienteering

Year 6 combined SPAG revision with orienteering skills today as they worked on our recently installed new orienteering course. They had to use a map to find their way to specific control points before answering  SPAG question at each one. what a fun and healthy way to revise for SATs!

3 May

Year 4 Cats Drama lesson

Year 4 had their Cats drama lesson on Tuesday. They performed to two of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s songs, Macavity the Mystery Cat and Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat. They dressed up and made themselves masks to get into role.  During Macavity they paused to join in with the repeating lines. Using PE…

3 May

Jonny's Prayer Walk

Jonny, from NISCU, joined us on his prayer walk today. He was greeted like a celebrity and the children were delighted that he'd worn his onesie just for our school. He prayed for the school, our children and staff and the wider community. Thank you Jonny - it was great to see you!

27 Apr

Crown Green Bowling with Y4

Coach Dan taught us some skills for crown green bowling this afternoon. We were given a bowl and tried to aim at a target. By the end of the afternoon, we had certainly improved our aim and some of us even managed to get our bowl on the centre circle.