27 Apr

Year 4 PE

Today we were practising our overarm throwing. Everyone tried really hard and were very enthusiastic.

Watchout for Xavier and Kian playing cricket for England in the future. Their throwing skills are amazing!

22 Apr

Cedric the skeleton

This week, we had a new member join our class called Cedric. We have been discussing why we need a skeleton and have been looking closely at the bones that make up Cedric’s skeleton and have been naming them. A adult human skeleton has 206 bones, we didn’t manage to name them all! Let’s see how…

22 Apr

Welcome back everyone!

We have enjoyed our first week back at Nursery. We have a tent that we can be quiet in along with Mary, Mary’s garden. It was lovely to welcome our new children and families who started this week.

22 Apr

Mary, Mary, quite contrary

As part of our topic about growing, we have learnt a new nursery rhyme. We looked at some real cockle shells and laid our flowers and shells in a row like Mary did. We found out that pretty maids and silver bells are flowers. Later on this term we will be planting our own seeds and watering them.

22 Apr


We had a visitor in Nursery today to help us learn about life cycles. Mrs Atkinson brought Shirley the hen who was so pleased to meet us she laid an egg. We hope she will sit on it so that we can meet her baby chick. We ordered the life cycle of a hen and found out that boy hens called “cockerels”…

22 Apr

Garden Time 22-04-22

Today we have been investigating different textures in our garden. We did rubbings and showed them to our friends to see if they could guess what the original object was.


21 Apr

Finishing and evaluating our shelters

We had a busy afternoon on Monday, finishing our shelters then testing and evaluating them. The shelters had to meet the design brief: to be able to shelter a family of 4 Playmobile figures comfortably, keeping them safe from wind (a 30 second blast from a hair dryer) and rain (having 100ml of…

21 Apr

The Water Cycle in a bag

The window in our classroom is decorated with food bags! We have drawn the water cycle on the bags and are looking at them daily to see the different processes of evaporation, condensation and precipitation happening. 

20 Apr

Identifying trees/plants in the school garden

We followed the map to identify the different plants we have growing in our beautiful school garden. 
We found a Mint plant, Rosemary, Hyacinth and a blossom tree to name just a few. 

19 Apr

Decimal Jewellery Making in Year 5!

Today we started our new maths topic (Decimals, Fractions and Percentages) by making jewellery. We each cut up a whole straw (worth one) into ten equal pieces (worth a tenth) and made this into a tenths necklace. Then we took a tenth piece of straw and cut this up into ten equal pieces (worth a…

19 Apr

Ordering the Easter Story

Today we came back after our Easter holidays and looked again at the events of the first Easter. We had to order images from the story. It was quite tricky and we had to look carefully at clues (such as a cockerel, dice and a kiss) to work out what was happening in each story. We then read the…

4 Apr

Egg rolling in the sunshine

On Friday we rolled our painted eggs down the slopes at school. Everyone’s egg made it to the bottom where we exchanged it for a treat.