Julian Opie style portraits
This afternoon, we have been looking at the portrait work by the British artist Julian Opie (you might remember his artwork on the Best of Blur album). We used photographs to trace our faces with simple features onto plastic wallets. They are displayed on our classroom windows.

Making sculptures inspired by Barbara Hepworth
We have been learning about the amazing artist, Barbara Hepworth, who was a sculptor inspired by natural landscapes and materials. We looked at her art work and designed our own sculptures based on her famous work, The Family of Man. We worked really well in groups to shape and attach our boxes.…

Using colour in our portraits like Picasso
This afternoon, we have been inspired by Pablo Picasso to show feeling in our portraits. We have used warm and cool colours to show happiness or sadness.

Sketching techniques
In our art lesson this week, we were trying out different sketching techniques to help when we start sketching our self portraits next week.

Trying cave art in charcoal
Today we read the book ‘The First Drawing’ which is all about the first art that humans made, using charcoal, in caves. We had a go at drawing our own animals from the Stone Age using charcoal. It was not easy as charcoal is very smudgy but we were very pleased with our pictures.

Christmas printing
Year 6 have finally completed their Christmas printing project, with their third layer of colour. The results look spectacular and will be used as our Christmas cards to our parents.

Year 6 printing project begins
This week we have started our printing project in art, to create our Christmas cards for this year. We used polystyrene blocks to cut out our basic design. We then used special printing ink to evenly coat our blocks before transferring the design onto paper. Watch out for more blogs showing our…

Great Fire of London fact files and artwork
We had an incredibly busy day today as we were finishing our Great Fire of London fact files for display and creating 3D pictures of famous building that were destroyed during the Great Fire.

Football Fun
Today it was the boys’ turn to go along to Lancaster and Morecambe College for their tournament. There were 25 schools represented and our team of Y6 boys worked really well as a team. They won two games in their pool, drew one and lost one, narrowly missing out on a place in the quarter finals.

Giacometti sculptures
Year 6’s art topic this half term has been “People in Action”. As well as learning how to draw people in proportion and looking at various famous artists who drew people, we have studied the work of Alberto Giacometti. He was a Swiss sculptor who became famous for creating life-sized figures, with…

Making our graffiti tags (aka becoming Banksy!)
We have been learning about Banksy, the famous, but anonymous, graffiti artist. We found out that often he uses a stencil to spray paint his images at night. He also has a tag or signature which he sometimes adds to his artwork. Today we designed and cut out tags for our own initials. We used…

Year 3 Graffiti Name Art 2024
We have started the year by making graffiti art based on our names! We used bright contrasting colours and a black and white patterned background to make our names pop out! The classroom is looking bright already!