Year 3 Rainforest Pictures
We have been working all this half-term on the different parts of our rainforest collages and finally we have put them all together! We are really proud of our final pictures and hope you like them too!

Y1 Clay Flowers
We enjoyed making flowers out of clay. We manipulated the clay into different shapes, then chose our colours wisely.
Watercolour rainforest flowers
In science, Mrs Dowson has been teaching us all about plants and their lifecycles and in geography we are learning all about plants of the rainforest and how they survive. Today we drew and painted some hibiscus flowers using watercolour pencils. We really enjoyed mixing colours and seeing how…

Rainforest Art in Year 3
This term we are learning all about tropical rainforests and in our art lessons have been practising making shades and tints of colours. We have been mixing lots of different greens. We will be using these in a rainforest collage later this term.

Year 4 Art
Last half term Year 4 looked at two different artists. Friedensreich Hundertwasser and Karla Gerard. Hundertwasser was Austrian and Karla Gerard is American. Hundertwasser was also an architect designing lots of unusual buildings in Vienna.
The children practised their drawing skills by…

Clay Flowers
We have enjoyed making some clay flowers. We cannot wait to paint them. We also discussed the parts of the plants when we were designing them with playdough.

Y3 Cave Paintings
We are continuing our history topic, investigating the Stone Age, and this week made some pictures of cave art using ink washes to create the cave walls and charcoal/pastels with our own stencils to show the animals. We are really pleased with the results!

Busy morning in Y3!
This morning we did some cave art (see other blog), some spelling practice, some history (investigating the work of archaeologists) and even some practical maths measuring mass. And that was all before break time! Phew! Well done Year 3!

Year 3 Cave Art
We are continuing finding out about the Stone Age in our art lessons! Today we read the book First Drawing and imagined how it would be to live in the Stone Age and only have cave walls and charcoal to draw with. We use real charcoal to try to recreate some of the Stone Age animals that were drawn…

Year 4 Art
Year 4 have started a new Art topic comparing two artists, Friedensreich Hundertwasser and Karla Gerard. We have learnt about their two different styles of work. We have practised our drawing skills creating houses and have learnt how to draw them as though they are 3D.

Viking Longships
We explored the different features of a Viking longship before creating our own using paper and straws.