Y1 Printing Block
We have been looking at the designer Orla Kiely. Using her design, we made our own printing block to create our own designs.

Flower Collage
We made a collage of a plant naming each of the parts of the flower and describing their jobs.
Plasticine Relief Self Portraits
At long last the materials arrived so we could make our plasticine relief faces. Can you tell who is who?
Shackleton Paintings (with perspective!)
We have been studying the exciting story of the adventurer Shackleton. In art we have also been looking at creating perspective in a picture through use of colour as well as the size of objects. We painted these pictures based on Shackleton's journey across South Georgia and added a family motto…
Finishing our Christmas Prints
We have been working on our Christmas prints for weeks now, building up the different layers of colours. It has been great to have Naomi to help teach us some of the key skills. Have a look at some of our finished prints. We are really proud of them!
Printing in Year 6
Today we started our Christmas cards. We needed to start really early as we are making layered prints and they take a long time to dry... We were joined by Mrs St-John, who is an art teacher. She helped us to design an effective image and do our first layer of prints. We'll show you how they turn…
Jabberwocky Paintings
We have been studying the Jabberwocky poem by Lewis Carroll and discussing the moods that the poem creates. Today we used two primary colours and mixed them to create lots of different shades of colour. We then used paper collages to depict the fantasy characters in the poem: the Bandersnatch, the…

Chalk Firework Pictures
In our Literacy, we are making a firework poem. Therefore in art we created pictures using chalk. We smudged some parts to create a smoky effect.
Jabberwocky Art
Recently we have been learning about the Lewis Carroll poem, Jabberwocky. In art, we tried to imagine what the fantasy world of the poem would look like and painted our idea for the setting. We then used collage to create some of the animals in the poem. See if you can work out which creatures…

Hundertwasser canvases
We have studied the architect and artist Hundertwasser. A group of us made these canvases in our own time. We created our own pictures in his style.
Christmas Prints
After weeks of designing and printing different layers, our Christmas prints are finished! Here are some of the results...