African Animal Art
We also made finger puppets this afternoon. Again we had to think carefully about the colours we used. We also had to cut out our animal templates including two very tricky inner circles for our fingers.

This afternoon, we started our printing topic in Art. We looked at artwork by William Morris, Richard Shimmel and Lisa Stubbs. We then used carbon paper to print pictures we had drawn onto our paper in repeating patterns.

Who lives here.
Not quite the real thing but at least we found some British animals in our playground.

Who lives here
We started our new topic off in the playground (in spite of the rain) with a search for some British animals. We knew lots of them were nocturnal so Mrs Cross may have helped us out and put some pictures out to help us!

Year 6 finish their printing project
After several weeks of designing, printing, drying, printing, drying and more printing, our Christmas cards are finally finished! We are very proud of them and hope our parents like them. Special thanks to Naomi for sharing her time and expertise with us.

Winter scenes
In Nursery we encourage all children to be creative. We provided a range of loose parts for children to create winter scenes after looking at paintings on our computer. We are using the pictures for our cards this year. No two cards will be the same.

Year 5 Christmas Decorations
This morning we made stained glass baubles to decorate our school Christmas tree. Thank you to all our parents for giving up their time to help us. Our baubles look beautiful.

Year 6 printing project continues…..
We have been working hard on our printing over the last two weeks. Last week, we added a second colour to our original prints, after adding more detail to our initial outline shapes.
Today we removed our main motif from our tile and worked on adding detail to our backgrounds. Finally we chose a…

African Masks
After designing our own African Mask we have now entered the making phase. Step 1 was to create our mask outline in cardboard. Step 2 was covering the whole mask in Modroc which is a plaster product that hardens as it dries. Keep watching for Step 3 (coming soon).

Year 6 printing project begins
This week, we welcomed Naomi St. John into our class to help us design and create multi-layered prints which will eventually become our Christmas cards. Having created our basic designs and transferred them onto polystyrene tiles, we learnt how to ink them and print our designs onto coloured…