World Book Day Y6
We had a great time on a World Book Day - dressing up, decorating potatoes and enjoying a book character trail with our buddies all around the school.
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Thank you to the parents who came to read to our children today. We thoroughly enjoyed it !
Year 5 and 6 Book Cafe
On Friday 18th October Year 5 and 6 held a Book Cafe. Over a cup of hot chocolate and a croissant, we shared books that we had enjoyed over this half-term and read book reviews that we had written. Some of us even read aloud passages to give a sense of what the books were like. We gave…
Jabberwocky Art
Recently we have been learning about the Lewis Carroll poem, Jabberwocky. In art, we tried to imagine what the fantasy world of the poem would look like and painted our idea for the setting. We then used collage to create some of the animals in the poem. See if you can work out which creatures…
Year 6 Shakespeare Production of The Tempest
On Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th July, Year 6 performed their Shakespeare production, a modern retelling of The Tempest complete with music, songs and dance (as well as acting!). We had been working very hard over the last few weeks, practising and making costumes and scenery. The show was a…
Hogwarts Job Applications
This week Year 5 have been writing application letters for jobs at Hogwarts. On Tuesday the class acted as application panels and decided whether the letters were strong enough to be accepted for the jobs applied for.
The Lighthouse House Keepers Lunch
We are focusing on instruction writing in Literacy this week so we made sandwiches and will then write up instructions for how we made them.
Year 1 reading their Non-fiction books to Reception
Year 1 made their own Non-fiction books about plants. We researched and found some interesting facts looking at the features of plants and what they need to grow. We even made our own glossaries!!!
Books, Books, Books!
In Year 6 this week we have been doing a variety of reading activities this week linked to World Book Day. We have enjoyed sharing books with our Year 1 buddies and today we enjoyed a writing workshop with Frank English, a local author. He encouraged us to try to surprise our reader by using the…
World Book Day
For World Book Day, Y4 came to school dressed in their favourite book characters. The costumes were amazing! We have been designing book spines with the title of our favourite book and we have also taken part in 'Ring-a-Read'. We have had the chance to meet an author…