Acting out Goldilocks
We have been acting out the story of Goldilocks. We have some fantastic little actors in the class!
Information Hunt
We have been looking at information pages in different magazines and finding the key features. We used post-it notes to identify headings, subheadings, labels, captions, facts, questions and key vocabulary. We are going to use these key features when we write our own information page about the…
Visit to Beacon Fell (or was it to Kensuke's Kingdom?)
Today we went on our first class trip since the COVID outbreak. Hurrah!! We travelled to Beacon Fell and learnt all about how to survive in the wild. We have been reading Kensuke's Kingdom in school and had already picked up some great survival tips from that. We found out more about how best…
World Book Day Fun in Year 6
We had a great week back together celebrating World Book Day. Here we are in our costumes! Can you work out which book characters we were dressed as?
World Book Day in Y5
We had a great time when we celebrated World Book Day in school. Can you work out which book characters we are from our costumes?
World book day in nursery!
We enjoyed dressing up for World book day today in nursery. We shared some new stories and retold the story of Little red riding hood, using masks and figures.
We also guessed who each other were dressed up as!
World Book Day
We all enjoyed World Book Day. The costumes were fantastic and we enjoyed all the book activities throughout the day. As soon as the bell rung, we would read our books. We also had a fun World Book Day character quiz. We read and enjoyed lots of stories throughout the day.
World Book Day in Year 2
Here we are celebrating World Book Day. Look at our fabulous costumes!! We did a character quiz on the yard this morning and have been very busy making bookmarks this afternoon. We also wrote our own version of Little Red Riding Hood after discovering Mrs Aylott was yesterday’s masked reader.…
Celebrating World Book Day
We shared lots of books in class today and talked to each other about the characters we were dressed as.
Year 1 Phonic Hunt
We had to hunt around the playground finding phonic sounds. Every time we saw one we read it and shouted it out. We all enjoyed our Phonic Hunt.
Y2 Full Stop Challenge
Remembering to use full stops to finish our sentences can be tough so today's challenge was to carefully read a passage about wolves and to show where the missing full stops should be using blue tack. It took a few attempts to get this right as some of the sentences were tricky.
Making a Smoothie
We looked at a set of instructions and followed them to make a Strawberry and Banana smoothie for Mrs Aylott. Firstly, we got all the ingredients and equipment together.