Reading with our buddies
As part of World Book Week we had a visit from our Year 5 buddies. They read a selection of dinosaur books with us.

A walk in the woods
We walked through Dorrington Wood to look for storybook characters. We were very excited to find “Where’s Wally ?” and “The very hungry caterpillar.”A big thank you to y3 who held our hands very tightly.

Year 6 and Year 2 enjoy World Book Day activities together
Year 6 started their celebrations for World Book Day today, by going down to the woods with Year 2 to help them solve the picture clues on our book trail.
We also shared some of our favourite stories with Year 2, which we really enjoyed and we hope they did too.
Reading Trail with Buddies
We had a lovely time with our buddies on the book trail through Dorrrington Wood as part of our World Book celebrations.

Book trail through Dorrington Wood
We had a lovely time with our buddies on the book trail through Dorrrington Wood as part of our World Book celebrations.

Writing instructions to play a game
Yesterday we made our own instruction sheets for a board game of our choice.
Today we used the instructions to help us set up and play the games in groups. We evaluated each other and found something they had done really well and something they could improve next time.

Our Writing linked to The Highwayman
We have been exploring the story and characters from The Highwayman. Recently we have written our own stories and speeches linked to this dramatic poem. We have edited them and presented them in neat for display. Enjoy reading them!

Who is to Blame?! The Highwayman Inquest
We have been investigating The Highwayman poem in literacy and discussing who was to blame to the death of Bess the landlord’s daughter. Our chief suspects are Tim the ostler, The Highwayman, Bess herself and the Red-Coat soldiers. In groups we wrote formal, persuasive speeches to try to persuade…
Hotseating the Highwayman!
We have been exploring different characters from The Highwayman poem. Today we had the chance to interview both Bess and The Highwayman himself! He was quite a charming and funny character, and we learnt a lot about his past...

Retelling The Highwayman
In Year 5, we have been exploring Alfred Noyes' famous narrative poem The Highwayman. We have enjoyed acting out some of the scenes using freeze frames. Today we planned a retelling of the poem from the point of view of one of its characters. We tried to use vocabulary from the poem to create a…

Happy New Year
Our story this week has been about 10 gingerbread men who disappear. We have counted from 10-0 and from 5-0.
Mrs Todd Bryce helped us to make our own gingerbread. It was very tasty.

Retelling a story
We have been looking at the repetition of stories and we have been really enjoying retelling, ‘The Little Red Hen’. We have been acting out as the different characters and using different voices and expression.