3 May

A cave in the corner of Year 3?!

Here are all of our amazing pictures based on cave paintings!  We have written diary entries based on our book "Stone Age Boy".  We are also loving finding out more about Prehistoric Britain with some new non-fiction books. 

26 Apr

Busy morning in Y3!

This morning we did some cave art (see other blog), some spelling practice, some history (investigating the work of archaeologists) and even some practical maths measuring mass. And that was all before break time! Phew! Well done Year 3!


15 Mar

Art in the style of Liz Pichon (AKA Tom Gates!)

For World Book Day we joined a live stream event with Liz Pichon (an author/illustrator) who read from her most recent Tom Gates’ book. She also taught us how to draw in her style. We were really pleased with our attempts and have made a class book with our drawings.


8 Mar

Y1 and Y5 Book Quiz

We enjoyed the book character quiz around the school. Thank you Year 5’s who helped us too! 

8 Mar

We’re Going on a Book Hunt!

Today we celebrated World Book Day by going on a book hunt! We had to find different book characters hidden around the school. There were 53 in total to find and recognise! Some were books we remembered from when we were younger. We loved seeing some of our favourite characters!


8 Mar

Thank you Year 3

On World Book Day, year 3 came to read to us. We really enjoyed having an older friend to read any book we chose. The children got on so well that we have invited them back.

7 Mar

Y1 World Book Day

We enjoyed talking about the book characters. Look at our amazing costumes! 

7 Mar

Y1 and Y5 World Book Day

Thank you to Year 5 for sharing books with us. We enjoyed listening to stories that you read.

7 Mar

Y4 World Book Day

What an exciting World Book Day we have had! Our costumes were amazing. Can you recognise any characters from the class photo? We started the day hearing all about the first books and when they were published. We then designed a footprint showing our favourite books to display in school to lead…

7 Mar

Year 2 World Book Day

We have had a brilliant World Book Day. We have read loads and had fun!

31 Jan

DT- looking at different bread textures

After reading The Little Red Hen, we looked at different types of bread. We looked at the texture,  the colour and what we thought about each one. 

18 Jan

Household objects with magical powers

In a few weeks, we are going to write a fantasy story so today we looked at different household objects and discussed how they could be incorporated into our stories with magical powers. We had lots of ideas.