Finding definitions
We have been exploring the meaning of words by using both book and online dictionaries to locate words and write the definitions. We will be using these words when we write our non-chronological report.

Year 6 Holiday Reading Reviews
Year 6 have been busy reading over the summer holidays. Today we wrote reviews, which are now on display in the library for everyone to read.

Retelling Australian Traditional Tales
We enjoyed retelling the story and performing using stick puppets.

Year 4 English
Year 4 children were practising their play script Atishoo in the shade. It was so hot in the classroom so we tried to find a little bit of breeze! After learning about the features of a play script and comparing these to a novel the children started rehearsing. The first scene involves two…

An epic trip- Shackelton's Journey
In Year 5, we are loving reading "Shackleton's Journey" by William Grill and "Ice Trap" by Meredith Hooper.
We have learnt all about explorers in Victorian and Edwardian times and the continent of Antarctica. We have written letters to apply to become one of the crew onboard the Endurance,…

Y1 Authors! -sharing the stories they had written
We had written our own version of ‘The Enormous Turnip’ for example ‘The Mega Carrot’. We read them to our buddies. The Year 6’s also read ‘ The Enormous Turnip’ to us but in French !!

This year’s Shakespeare’s play is revealed!
After much discussion and anticipation, this year’s Shakespeare play was finally revealed today. We began by acting out what life might have been like on a ship sailing the Mediterranean when a storm suddenly began to overwhelm it, casting the crew and passengers onto a seemingly deserted island.

Cross-curricular orienteering
Year 6 combined SPAG revision with orienteering skills today as they worked on our recently installed new orienteering course. They had to use a map to find their way to specific control points before answering SPAG question at each one. what a fun and healthy way to revise for SATs!

Performing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk
We retold the story of Jack and the Beanstalk by taking the different characters and changing our voices. We discussed the characters, setting and the events.

Investigating and Reciting Poems in Year 5
In Year 5, we have started a new unit in English - poetry. We have discussed what we think poetry is and what features you might find in a poem. We have also read, discussed and performed different poems. Each group was given a poem to read and investigate together. We talked about which…

Year 4 Literacy
Today, Year 4 started their new Literacy genre of Classical Poetry. We are going to read a selection of poems from Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot.
We started by listening to The Naming of Cats. We found out that cats have three different names. The first is the one the family…
Performing Poetry!
In Year 5 we have been enjoying The Highwayman, a classic poem by Alfred Noyes. We have explored its language and written our own stories and verses based on it. We have also been learning it off by heart. Today we performed some of the verses together. This is the first verse. We hope you…