Diddi Dance
Every other Wednesday we get to join in with Diddi Dance, we have so much fun. We really enjoy expressing ourselves.
Life Education
Thank you to Steve, who came into Reception. He spoke to us about our bodies and how we can stay healthy. We also got a visit from Harold the giraffe.
Our new unit
We have had a lot of fun in the past two weeks exploring our new unit. We have met new children and tried new activities. Nursery parents are very welcome to stay and play for the first 15 minutes of every day.
Rock kids
The children were very excited to dance to their very own Rock band. We joined in with a song all about keeping trying when things get tricky.
Thank you
Thank you very much for the donation of the very large car mat today. The children all wanted to play on it and worked well negotiating the space with each other.
Reception and KS1 Sports Day
We all took part in our annual sports morning. The children were fantastic and competed brilliantly. We also saw some pre-schoolers racing and my all time favourite… the Mums/Dads and Grandparents race!
Well done to Castle Reds who won
Going on a journey!
We are ready to welcome everyone back tomorrow. Our new topic is all about journeys and vehicles. We would love to hear about a journey you have been onl
After hearing the story of Jack and his beanstalk, the children were very keen to plant their own beans. We looked at different coloured beans and compared their sizes. The children are watering the beans and checking them daily.
After hearing the story of Jack and his beanstalk, the children were very keen to plant their own beans. We looked at different coloured beans and compared their sizes. The children are watering the beans and checking them daily.
Getting ready for Easter
This morning we went to Dorrington Road Woods. We have found out about creatures who live in British woods. We looked at creatures with no legs, 2 legs and as many as 8 legs. We collected natural materials to make a picture of a woodland creature. Can you guess what we made?
Getting ready for Easter
We are waiting for Easter. We are making links between new life, spring and our animal topic.
Have a peek!
We have been very busy today setting up the new temporary Nursery classroom. We can’t wait to show you around after the half term break.