Reading with our special people in class
It was a very special end to the day today when the mummies and daddies came in to read with us. Thank you to so many of you for coming in. The children loved it.

Garden time 4-3
Today we have been finding natural objects with different characteristics. Some were smooth, some bumpy, some long, some short.

Juice Cafe
We enjoyed a lovely time reading and having juice and biscuits with our Nursery friends to round off our World Book Day celebrations.

It’s World Book Day!
We have enjoyed listening stories today. Thank you to Y3 for coming and reading to us. We love to see you.

A walk in the woods
We walked through Dorrington Wood to look for storybook characters. We were very excited to find “Where’s Wally ?” and “The very hungry caterpillar.”A big thank you to y3 who held our hands very tightly.

Garden Time 25-2-22
We went into the garden to look for signs of growth now that Spring is on its way.

Happy Chinese Lunar New Year
We have made lots of decorations in the last week ready for our party. We know it is the year of the tiger this year and have used lots of mark making tools to make stripes on a giant tiger. We are going to celebrate with a party when all our friends are back in Nursery.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar
This morning 3 ladies visited us from the Soroptomist International. They had made us a beautiful story sack full of things from the story. The children all sat and listened to the retelling and then got to play with the objects. We are looking forward to our next book, The enormous turnip. Thank…

Working together and taking turns.
Everyone loves the marble run. We are working together to build the track and share out the marbles. Look at how we are sat waiting for a turn.
Year 5 share rhymes with their buddies
Today we met with our Reception buddies to read, sing, sign and act out Nursery Rhymes to celebrate National Poetry Day. We had a lot of fun even though the weather was miserable.

World book day in nursery!
We enjoyed dressing up for World book day today in nursery. We shared some new stories and retold the story of Little red riding hood, using masks and figures.
We also guessed who each other were dressed up as!
Our first week in school
Reception have settled into school really well. We have spent the first week exploring the indoor and outdoor classroom, making new friends and learning about the school rules and routines. Have a look at what we have been doing!