3 Mar

Investigating time zones

This afternoon in geography, Year 6 have been learning about time zones and how they relate to the lines of longitude (including the prime meridian which runs through Greenwich in London). We found out what time it is now in other parts of the world and enjoyed looking at live webcams to see what…

27 Feb

Researching the countries of the Americas

Now we have finished our individual projects on the countries of North and South America, we have spent some time reading each other’s projects. We looked out for the most interesting or surprising physical and human geography facts. We certainly learnt a lot from each other this afternoon!

13 Feb

“The Americas” projects

Year 6 are currently working on individual projects. Each member of the class has taken responsibility for a different country from North or South America. Once our projects are finished, we will look at each others to learn some key human and physical geography facts about each country.

10 Feb

Water workshop

This afternoon we were visited by Louise, who came to talk to us about water. We learnt about  the water cycle, how we use water in our homes and what United Utilities do to make sure we have a constant supply of clean water to use. We also learnt how they treat our dirty water before it goes back…

27 Jan


Each week we are going to put on our wellies and go for a walk under the trees. This week we have been exploring. Some children weren’t very keen to walk in the mud. We will be helping each other to make a den next week using our teamwork and super kind hands to share resources.

22 Nov

The Water Cycle

Our display in class is helping us to remember the different stages of the water cycle for when we write our explanation text.

15 Nov

Water cycle in a bag

We are learning about the water cycle so today we drew a flow chart on a food bag. We are going to put water into them and watch the different stages of the water cycle happen in the bag. 

4 Nov

A walk around Scotforth

This morning, we went for a walk around Scotforth to help us with our English and geography work over the next couple of weeks. 

29 Oct

Atlas Experts in Y3

We are learning all about the continents and oceans of the world, and starting to recognise some of the countries in each continent. Today we looked at some countries on the Equator, on the Arctic Circle and on the Antarctic Circle. We used atlases and found out that there are NO countries on the…

16 Jul

Y6's Day in the Lake District

Year 6 were extremely fortunate with the weather today for their geography field trip to the Lake District.

We set off early in the morning and headed for Ambleside, where we walked up to Todd Crag. At the top we had a spectacular view of Windermere and the surrounding fells. We orientated our…

10 Jul

A grand day out

The rain held off long enough for the nursery children to explore all of the transport themed frames in the play area. We have worked hard to take turns and wait patiently.

5 Jul

Year 3 Visit Williamson Park

What an amazing day we have had at Williamson Park. First we visited the Butterfly House where we learnt all about different animals that thrive in a rainforest environment. It was very warm and humid! We were able to meet a tortoise, a turtle and a cockroach. As you can see from our faces we had…