Year 2 & The United Kingdom!
Year 2 been learning about the UK and used their geography skills to locate the UK on a range of maps and globes. We put labels onto the maps to show the four countries of the United Kingdom and the surrounding seas.
Well done, Year 2!

The water cycle in a bag!
This week, we have been learning about how the water cycle works and we are going to be writing an explanation text to describe the process. We have used lots of new vocabulary such as evaporation, condensation and precipitation. We have drawn the water cycle on a food bag and put water in the…
Planet Protectors!
This week in Year 1's RE lesson, we looked at God's creation and how it is being spoiled by the actions of people. We talked about how we have choices to make everyday, some of which help the world and others that actually harm it.
The children set to work and cleared 'the beach' of litter,…

X marks the spot
Today we have followed a simple map to find a new toy for Nursery. We have used lots of directional language. The children were very good at looking for clues on each photo to find the next place to look.

Argentinian Plums & Spanish Oranges!
We have worked so hard learning all about Harvest and the Jewish festival of Sukkot this half term. We ended our final lesson with group discussions to consolidate our learning and talk about what we now know.
During continuous provision, the children enjoyed tasting plums from Argentina and…

Fieldwork… Out & About in Our Local Area!
Today, Year 2 went on a visit around our local area, to consolidate our term’s learning where we have focused upon the area in which we go to school!
Over the weeks, we have looked at aerial photographs and maps of Lancaster and, after zooming in further, Scotforth! We learned about human and…

Investigating ordnance survey maps (and towels!) in Y4
Today we looked at Ordnance Survey maps. Mrs Redmayne showed us her towel which had a picture of part of a Lake District Ordnance Survey map. We found Scafell Pike, the tallest mountain in England, on it. We also used it to find grid references for different places. We then found symbols of…

Harvest-Where does our food come from?
We have enjoyed tasting fruit from other countries and finding where it was on a globe. We discussed how the various fruits would have journeyed from country to country.
Y1 Happy Mount Park Trip
We had a wonderful trip concluding our topic, 'The Great Outdoors' and what a super day!
We looked at the physical and human features of Morecambe Bay. Then we continued our seaside theme by eating ice-creams! Next, we explored the playground and cooled off nicely in the splash…

Williamson Park trip
Today, we walked to Williamson Park! It took about an hour but we had a great time when we got there. We went into the Butterfly House and explores the zoo afterwards. We had our lunch on the steps of Ashton Memorial and a play on the playgrounds. We then did some map reading and orienteering in…

Year 6's Lake District adventure
What a great day Year 6 had today! We have been learning about the Lake District in our geography lessons, as well as reading "Spylark" in class and they came together today as we enjoyed a walk up Todd Cragg (AKA Brockbarrow in Danny Rurlander's "Spylark"). The weather was glorious and the views…

Y1 Trip to Australia
We made our passports and boarding passes ready to board the flight to Australia. We were lucky as we only had a little turbulence on our flight! We got there in record time and explored the landmarks, animals and objects of Australia.
Thank you to our wonderful parents for bringing in lots of…