In Year 5, we are loving reading "Shackleton's Journey" by William Grill and "Ice Trap" by Meredith Hooper.
We have learnt all about explorers in Victorian and Edwardian times and the continent of Antarctica. We have written letters to apply to become one of the crew onboard the Endurance, Shackleton's famous ship, for his trip of 1915. Most of us were successful but the one person rejected had to become a stowaway on board the Endurance (true fact!).
We have also written diaries in character and our own family mottos inspired by Shackleton's motto: "By endurance we conquer".
Unfortunately things have taken a turn for the worst on the journey (no spoilers but it's looking bad!) and we are now stuck in ice... Today we used a conscience tunnel to advise Shackleton on what to do next. Will we survive?! Watch this space!