Our local walk to explore different houses
We spotted lots of different houses on our walk e.g detached, bungalows, semi-detached and flats. We spotted Lancaster Castle and explored our local church, St Paul’s. We spotted the date 1925 on the Parish Hall opposite the church.
Call my Bluff (Maya Style!)
In our history this half-term, we have been learning about the amazing Maya civilisation and this week we have been investigating primary sources and artefacts. Today we tried to trick our classmates in a game of Call My Bluff! Each group was given an artefact to investigate and had to write…
Maya coil pots
We have designed our own Maya pots using pictures, hieroglyphs and colours from the period.
Yesterday Miss Huddleston came to teach us how to make the pots from clay. We used coils to create the sides and slip to join the coils together. When the pots are dry we will add our designs. We had a…
Home Front Heroes!
In Year 6, we have watched the following links and discussed how WW1 affected life in Britain, in particular, via the Home Front. We then worked very heard to create webpages to display this information to help inform others!
Which toys did our grandparents play with?
They enjoyed looking at this old till. We looked at the different materials and compared to a modern till.
Which toys did our grandparents play with?
We have been looking at some old toys and the different materials used. This was a metal tractor and a wooden truck. Thank you to our wonderful parents for bringing in old toys and asking grandparents what they played with.
Step Up (& Back in Time)!
This morning, Year 6 had an absolute blast (to the past!) during their 'Turns & Tunes' session with Mikey and Jenny!
We learned a traditional country dance and a range of step dances which are all part of our Lancashire heritage. We enjoyed listened to Mikey play the fiddle and watching Jenny…
Traditional dances in Lancashire
Today, we have been learning about our local heritage. Mikey and Jenny came in to school to talk to us about different traditional dances in Lancashire. We had a go at dancing the jig, the reel, the horn pipe, the waltz and marching. It was so much fun!
Our Lancashire Heritage through music and dance.
We worked with Mikey and Jenny to learn about our Lancashire Heritage using music and dance. We danced the jig, the reel, the horn pipe, the waltz and the march. We had lots of fun.
Lancashire Country Dancing Fun
Today we have been learning to dance to traditional Lancashire music played on a fiddle.
Historical Enquiry - What can we tell about the Maya from their buildings?
We have started out new topic - The Magnificent Maya! Today we thought about what we already know about the Maya. We came up with lots of enquiry questions that we want to find out about during our topic.
As historians, we know we need to use evidence to find out about the past. We used…
People of Scotforth, we need YOU!
In Y6 this week, we have become increasingly passionate about our Autumn term History topic: World War 1! After reading more of our class book in English (Stay Where You Are and Then Leave), we have become invested in the lives of Alfie Somerfield and his family, which as a result has developed…