Making Equal Groups Y1
We made equal groups and made a repeated addition number sentence to work out the answer.

Beginning to Measure in Y1
We went around the classroom and outside the classroom to measure objects using non standard units. We used cubes to measure !

Y1/2 Spirituality Session
Y1 and Y2 enjoyed their Spirituality Session today. We explored the theme of ‘friendship’, Jesus and the disciples through our activities and had time to reflect on the afternoon with the children. They had some amazing ideas!

Y1 and Y5 Book Quiz
We enjoyed the book character quiz around the school. Thank you Year 5’s who helped us too!

Y1 Gymnastic Sequences
Today we have enjoyed putting our skills that we have learnt, into our sequences on the big equipment.

People Who Help Us
We really enjoyed Emily coming in today to tell us how she helps people in her job. We explored all the different emotions and helped animals along the way. Thank you, Emily

Y1 Greater Than and Less Than
We were investigating greater and less than numbers using lots of maths resources.

Y1-Tony Peek Visit
We enjoyed a visit from the poet and author, Tony Peek today at school. He shared some of his poems and songs with us. We did some amazing fish dancing and laughed a lot.

Senses-smelling experiment
The children enjoyed predicting what they could smell. It was interesting that some children thought it was chips when it was tomato sauce!