17 Jan

Retelling our story

This week we have been working hard to learn our fabulous story ‘The Way Home For Wolf’ off by heart.  Here we are retelling the story in our own words.

16 Jan

Year 2 & The United Kingdom!

Year 2 been learning about the UK and used their geography skills to locate the UK on a range of maps and globes. We put labels onto the maps to show the four countries of the United Kingdom and the surrounding seas.

Well done, Year 2!


13 Jan

2D shapes

We have been learning all about 2D shapes in maths.  Today we had to use rulers to draw them very carefully.  Here we are practising drawing straight lines on our whiteboards.  It was a lot trickier than it looked but we managed it!

11 Jan

African Animal Art

This week we looked at the amazing animals found on the continent of Africa.  After exploring these animals we looked closely at the colour and texture of their skin.  We used careful observation to draw the patterns before using our painting skills to match…

11 Jan

African Animal Art

Another example of our very careful drawing and painting today.

11 Jan

African Animal Art

We also made finger puppets this afternoon.  Again we had to think carefully about the colours we used.  We also had to cut out our animal templates including two very tricky inner circles for our fingers.

6 Jan


This half term we are learning to be gymnasts.  So far we have practised our jumping skills and here we are learning to travel in different ways.  Can you tell which animal we are?  You may have spotted we are moving sideways!! 

4 Jan

Who lives here.

Not quite the real thing but at least we found some British animals in our playground.

4 Jan

Who lives here

We started our new topic off in the playground (in spite of the rain) with a search for some British animals.  We knew lots of them were nocturnal so Mrs Cross may have helped us out and put some pictures out to help us!

15 Dec

The Landlord's Cat

The two performances of The Landlord's Cat were amazing and everyone did a fantastic job with their singing, dancing, acting, learning lines and signing. We hope you enjoyed it.

14 Dec

Christmas Party

We had a fantastic time at our Christmas party! Lots of singing, dancing and playing lots of games.

14 Nov

Make 10 to add two small numbers

Today we used the ten frames to practise quite a tricky but very important skill in maths.  We were learning to use ten to add numbers.  This means that instead of using our fingers to calculate 6 + 7, we used our number bonds to make the sum 6 + 4 + 3.  As we know 6 + 4 = 10 already, we only have…