15 Dec

Y1/2 Christmas Party

We had lots of fun at our Christmas

9 Dec

Evaluating our pizzas

Our final task was to evaluate our pizzas.  We thought about what had gone well and any bits we would change if we made our pizzas again.

9 Dec

All cooked and ready to eat!

At last our pizzas were ready to eat!  They were unusual but very delicious!


9 Dec

Ready for the oven

Here are our pizzas ready for the oven.  As you can see we made some interesting food choices!

9 Dec

Y2 Pizza Making

After looking at the ‘Eat Well Plate’, we designed our own pizzas.  We tried to make them as healthy as we could by including lots of fruit and vegetables.  Some of us also included some treats in our designs.  Here are just a few pictures of us making our pizzas.  Be sure to scroll through to see…

1 Dec

Y2 Life Education Visit

Look who came to see us in class today!  It’s none other than Harold the Giraffe.  This year he talked to us all about our feelings and emotions.

24 Nov

Year 2 Local Area Walk

We went for a walk in our local area today. We discovered that some parts were quite busy whilst other areas were very quiet. We spotted lots of facilities to help the people in our local area, such as shops, pubs, a petrol station, playing field.....

24 Nov

What is a sentence?

We are learning what makes a sentence a sentence.  We know they need capital letters and full stops, and that they need to make sense.  It is much trickier to spot a sentence when the punctuation has been taken away.  Here we are using blu tack to locate the end of sentences.  It was very…

11 Nov


In literacy, we are reading the book ‘The Way Home for Wolf’.  It is a fabulous story and has inspired us to find out more about these beautiful creatures.  We’re going to write our own information texts next!

3 Nov

Countries of the UK

We have been exploring the four countries of the United Kingdom.  We learnt the names of the four countries, their capital cities and lots of fun facts about each one.  

20 Oct

Intra-school Sports Y1/2

The children enjoyed competing as a team against the other house teams to gain points. We remembered to apply the ‘Values of the School Games’ within the competition.

18 Oct

Y2 Role Play

In literacy, we have been reading the story ‘The Way Home For Wilf’. Today we acted parts of the story and the rest of us had to guess which bit we were doing.  Our acting was so good everyone could guess which bit we were doing!