Y2 Books of the Bible
Our good friend, Debbie Green, came into class today to teach us all about the books of the bible. It was lovely to see her again and we learnt a lot!
Year 6 & Year 2 Shared Poetry Time
Across school, for National Poetry Week, the classes buddied up to share some time together to read poetry! Year 6 were lucky enough to have Year 2 as their buddies, and thoroughly enjoyed reading poems to the younger children and listening to them read also!

Number recognition
We have been thinking more about the numbers to 100. Today we practised making different numbers using the Base 10 equipment. Mrs Cross then asked us to add or take away different amounts of tens or ones.

Where we live.
We have been learning all about the four countries of the United Kingdom including their capital cities. This map on our classroom wall is there to remind us of their names.

Our Ideal Classroom
In PSHE we have been thinking about our happy places and how we could bring elements of these into our classroom. We came up with some fabulous ideas about how to create a more positive environment for everyone. Being kind, sharing, playing more, having fun, laughing, smiley faces, stars and even…

Steve came in to promote All Stars cricket clubs with the Y1,Y2 and Y3 children. They practised throwing, catching and striking and to work together as part of a team through the ‘spirit of cricket’.