4 Oct

Exploring atlases in Year 3

In geography we are finding out about the countries in different continents. Today we used the indexes at the back of the atlases to look up different countries such as Brazil, France and Egypt. We found out which continents the countries are in and also used the maps to find out which countries…

3 Oct

Art inspired by Keith Haring

We have been enjoying looking at the pictures of Keith Haring in our graffiti art unit. He uses bright colours to show lots of people, often moving and having fun! We particularly liked the picture ‘Dance Party’ and have made our own versions using collage. We had to practise drawing moving people…

2 Oct

Fluent Fables (reading with expression and flow!)

In English we have been reading lots of different fables. We have been looking especially at Aesop’s fable, ‘The Hare and the Tortoise’.  Today we practised reading it aloud and taking the different character roles. We had to look carefully at the inverted commas (speech marks) to see the exact…

2 Oct

Our Grafitti Tags

We have been exploring at the different "tags" that graffiti artists such as Banksy use.  They are like their autographs.  We designed our own and cut out stencils from our designs.  Graffiti artists often use spray paints with their stencils but we sponged different colours instead.  We then used…

26 Sep

Place Value work in Y3

In maths we have been focusing on making numbers up to 1000. We have made and partitioned numbers using arrow cards and we played 3 digit races where we had to run to hoops labelled HUNDREDS, TENS and ONES to make a number.  We are becoming experts in knowing what each digit is…

19 Sep

Making 100 in Year 3

We are looking at the number 100 and what it looks like using real objects... We used objects around the classroom to make a 100 in different ways. We stacked and grouped our objects to make them easier to count. We have shown in many different ways that ten lots of ten make 100!

8 Sep

Graffiti Art Names Year 3

We had a great time drawing our names in the style of graffiti art today! We learnt to use bright colours and bold lines. We hope you like our work as much as we do!


8 Sep

Life Education comes to Year 3

We were joined by Stephen (and of course Harold the giraffe!) from Life Education today.  We learnt all about how amazing our brain and our body is. We also learnt about how to be good friends and to support friends when things are hard or we have a fall out...  We had a good time and enjoyed…

13 Jul

Let’s go Year 3!

This afternoon, Year 3 were cheerleading with Mrs Winder. It was great!


12 Jul

Street Dance


30 Jun

Wheelchair basketball

We had a taster session of wheelchair basketball this afternoon which was great fun!


30 Jun

Wet Walk to Williamson Park

This morning, Year 3 walked to Williamson Park. It was very rainy but we persevered with the walk and made it. When we got there, we had a talk in The Butterfly House, learning about the rainforest habitat. We then got to handle a hissing cockroach, stroke a bearded dragon and have a skink sit on…