Victory at Easter Art
We looked at lots of art inspired by Easter and Jesus’ death and resurrection. We then used paints or crayons to create our own artwork to represent the idea of victory at Easter. We used different techniques including sponging. We also listened to different Easter hymns and found words and…

Investigating History - Primary and Secondary Sources
In history we have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We have learnt all about the Anglo-Saxon gods and today we found out about how Christianity returned to Britain (Christian missionaries had first come during a Roman times). We met three important missionaries (Columbus,…
Performing Poetry!
In Year 5 we have been enjoying The Highwayman, a classic poem by Alfred Noyes. We have explored its language and written our own stories and verses based on it. We have also been learning it off by heart. Today we performed some of the verses together. This is the first verse. We hope you…

The Fresh Prince of… Year 5!
In music we have been learning about Hip Hop and particularly the song ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’. Some of us have even started watching the series from the 90s… parents may remember it too! We were amazed at how fast the words are but have been practising hard to fit them in. We hope you enjoy…

Decimal Jewellery
Today we made decimal jewellery. We cut up paper straws into tenths to make a necklace. Then we cut one tenth into ten pieces (hundredths)and used these to make a jewel for our necklace. Our final challenge was to cut a hundredth into ten pieces making thousandths. We were amazed at how tiny…

Rehearsing The Highwayman
We have loved reading The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes and have written our own verses and stories based on this. Now we are getting ready to perform this poem. We have all learnt the first and last verses and are working in groups to prepare two more verses. We have looked at examples of…

Would you rather live in Anglo-Saxon times or nowadays?
We have been investigating life in Anglo-Saxon times to decide whether we would rather have lived then or nowadays. We used books, the internet and photos of artefacts to find out about food, work, leisure, clothes and homes in Anglo-Saxon Britain. Many of us liked the idea of telling stories…

Sharing books over a cup of hot chocolate!
To celebrate World Book Day, Year 5 and 6 got together this afternoon to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate (other drinks were available!) and a pastry. It wasn't just about food and drink though - we each chose a favourite book to write a review of and shared these with the other children on our…

Be the Change Day (Go Green!) Year 5
Today Year 5 and 6 went to Lancaster University for a “Be the Change Day” focusing on the environment.
This was organised by the students of the university and took place on campus.
We learnt all about food miles, how fruit and vegetables are grown and transported and the impact of plastics on…

The Great Scotforth Bread Bake Off
Today we finished off our bread by decorating it using icing, chocolate and sweets. Our bread had to look like our designs when it was finished. Mrs Walsh and Mrs Cocker were the judges. It was their job to choose winners for 3 categories.
Congratulations to our winners
Monty, Gigi, Izzy…

Bread making using our own designs
Today we made our own bread using our designs. The basic recipe was the same but some of us chose whole meal or 50:50 rather than white bread. We chose whether to add extra ingredients to the mixture before leaving it to rise. The bread was then cooked.
Tomorrow we will be decorating our…

Voici les Sept Jours de la Semaine (Here are the Seven Days of the Week)!
In French we have been learning to say the date and our birthdays. We are pretty good at the days of the week now as we know a good song to help us remember them! Today we made paper ‘fortune tellers’ to help practise saying them.