Circuit Repairs!
Click the links below to take you to the virtual circuit building labs!
Circuit Construction Kit: DC - Virtual Lab (colorado.edu)
Here are the children having a go at being…
'Great British Dishes' Week 2: Eton Mess!
After learning about traditional British savoury dishes last week, we took a look at sweet dishes in our second DT lesson! When considering how healthy different desserts were, we learned about nutrition and RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) and how many shop-bought meals and puddings have lots of…
Year 6 worked hard during their first lesson of iData where they were introduced to spreadsheets. The children learned how data is inputted into spreadsheets via cells and practiced navigating through spreadsheets, solving problems and cracking codes!
Circuit Diagrams!
Check out an online circuit builder here: Circuit Construction Kit: DC - Virtual Lab (colorado.edu)
Anyone for a Ploughman's Lunch?
For our first lesson in out DT unit (Great British Dishes) we learned about what the term savoury means and discovered a range of Britain's traditional savoury dishes. Whilst we have cooked cottage pies at home, in school we conducted a taste analysis for the three main parts of a Ploughman's…

Showing off our culinary skills... Week 1- Cottage Pie!
For this term's DT unit 'Great British Dishes', we will be learning about and cooking a range of national dishes. During the weeks where we will not be cooking in school, the children are being asked to safely follow a recipe at home with their families and share the meal they produce…
Teamwork makes the Dream Work!
Today in PSHE, Mrs Ventress set us the challenge to build a bridge which spans 30cm and could hold the weight of a toy car. Our aim was to use negotiation and compromise to work together efficiently to complete the task. Afterwards, not only did we test the bridges, but we evaluated our efforts at…

Year 5 & 6's Christmas Party!
Wow, what fun we've had this afternoon!!!
Our joint Christmas Party was so well received and so well deserved after two whole years of waiting. The children (and teachers) thoroughly enjoyed new games such as 'Racing Through the Nativity' and 'Pass the Secret Stocking' alongside timeless…

Our Super Showcase!
Year 6 have worked so hard this term during our Bounce Forward lessons, run by Sharon from Lancashire Mind! For our final session, we explained our learning through a performance, using our new resilience training to memorise lines and speak, dance and sing in front of an audience!
We invited…
How lucky we are to have welcomed none other than British Fencing Paralympian, Justine Moore!
Justine was so generous to come in and work with the children who attend 'Fencing Club', providing them with a very rare opportunity of not only receiving advice from a Paralympic champion, but to…

Home Front Heroes!
In Year 6, we have watched the following links and discussed how WW1 affected life in Britain, in particular, via the Home Front. We then worked very heard to create webpages to display this information to help inform others!