Year 6 were transported back in time this morning as they learnt about the secret work behind the scenes of code-breakers and spies during WW2. We learnt about the work of the aerial reconnaissance planes and the photographic interpreters back at base who checked photos for evidence of enemy airfields, munition factories and radar stations. We also used other evidence to help us decide if a ship we had spotted on one of the photos could be the German ship “Bismark” which was attempting to intercept British supply ships. We went on to find out about the work of the SOE who recruited and trained secret agents. Some of us had a go at being a secret agent ourselves! Then we learnt about the top secret D-Day landings on a “need-to-know basis”, using the chain of command to give orders. We also travelled to Bletchley Park to learn about the 9000 people (mainly women) who worked there deciphering coded messages from German communications. We discovered how tricky it is to interpret morse code as well as the importance of keeping the code-breaking activities top secret!