Egg rolling
Yesterday we painted some boiled eggs and left them overnight to dry. Today we rolled the eggs down the playground which turned out to be the perfect hill. All of the children’s eggs made it to the bottom. We had a few sad faces when the eggs cracked but our chocolate prizes soon cheered us up. We…
Look at our special visitor!
A very special visitor came to Nursery and told us we had been good. He has brought us a present

Christmas lunch
We were very excited to have Christmas crackers with our lunch today. We discovered that it’s fun to pull the cracker with a friend.

Look at us!
We have taken turns to dress up as our favourite character from the Nativity story.

The Christmas story
We have heard lots of versions of the traditional Nativity. Our favourite part of the story is mean King Herod. We are all happy that Jesus escaped with Mary and Joseph to Egypt.

Getting ready for Christmas
We are counting down the days to Christmas. We are making lots of Christmas gifts to bring home.
Nursery learnt how to recycle our rubbish with a visit from the bin wagon and the recycling team at Lancaster city council
Today nursery had an exciting visit from a recycling team who helped us sort rubbish out into the correct green bins. We had a close look at the big recycling truck and the bin men showed us how they put the rubbish from our green boxes into a wheelie bin, then they showed us how the truck crushed…
EYFS superhero litter pick morning.
We invited our grown ups into school this morning to help us be an environmental superhero!
We put on some special gloves to protect our hands and set about the playground looking for litter that we could put in the bin.
Thank you to all the adults that joined us in helping keep our…
Police officer visit
We all went in the back of the police van today! We tried on the police uniform and found out all about how the police keep us safe.
Chinese New Year celebrations in nursery
We helped celebrate Chinese New Year and the year of the rat by learning all about dragon dances, Chinese food and and traditional customs our friends are celebrating this week. Take a look at some photos of our fun activity…
Nursery's Christmas inspired artwork!
Christmas time has certainly given us the opportunity to use the skills we have been developing in nursery!
We we have been busy looking closely at different textures and materials and used some of these to represent snowmen and Santas on our Christmas display. We also used our cutting skills…