Nursery enjoy Shrove Tuesday!
Today we talked about it being a special day and looked inside Mrs Atkinson's shopping bag. She had flour, eggs, milk and fruit. We chatted about how we are getting ready for Easter and learnt a new pancake song,
Mix a pancake,
Stir a pancake,
Pop it in a pan.
Fry the pancake,
Nursery learnt whilst we played, on a sunny day.
We had lots of fun whilst playing outside this morning. The sunshine inspired us to make an ice cream shop in the outdoor role play area. We found beautiful daffodils that had sprung open and we thought of things to build with the large construction pieces.
Nursery enjoyed playing outside whilst it snowed !
We enjoyed playing outside whilst it snowed down on us! There wasn't enough snow to make a snowman like we'd hoped but we still enjoyed pretending we were skating and trying to make snowballs.
We worked our muscles hammering one into the pumpkin. We put our hands in to get the seeds to plant in the nursery garden.
After listening to the story of "Oliver's vegetables" we washed potatoes and carrots in our water tray. We chopped the vegetables making wedges and vegetable soup. The red cabbage turned the soup purple!!!!! We liked the wedges best.
We went out this morning after putting on waterproof trousers by ourselves. We threw lots of snowballs.
Making new friends
We spent the afternoon playing games with reception class. We took turns and waited patiently for a go. Thank you for inviting us.
Our pictures
We used 2d shapes to make fire engine pictures. Next Wednesday a real fire team and engine are coming to visit.