Year 5 & 6's Christmas Party!
Wow, what fun we've had this afternoon!!!
Our joint Christmas Party was so well received and so well deserved after two whole years of waiting. The children (and teachers) thoroughly enjoyed new games such as 'Racing Through the Nativity' and 'Pass the Secret Stocking' alongside timeless…
Caught up in Coordinates!
For the past week, Year 6 have been learning about plotting coordinates across all four quadrants. We worked out what our own coordinates would be if we imagined the class as a quadrant and then started each lesson practically. We started by throwing a ball around the room and recording the…

Our Super Showcase!
Year 6 have worked so hard this term during our Bounce Forward lessons, run by Sharon from Lancashire Mind! For our final session, we explained our learning through a performance, using our new resilience training to memorise lines and speak, dance and sing in front of an audience!
We invited…

Home Front Heroes!
In Year 6, we have watched the following links and discussed how WW1 affected life in Britain, in particular, via the Home Front. We then worked very heard to create webpages to display this information to help inform others!

Computing Links
With your parents, type in the URL of your favourite webpage and trace each 'hop' the data packet makes from router to router until it reaches the location of the webpage's webserver! Where in the world did the data packet travel from, through and to?!
Developing our Gymnastic Sequences!
In Gymnastics, Year 6 have been working on developing counter balances and counter tension balances with partners and experimenting with making them more challenging. They have done this by incorporating the use of apparatus, changing/reducing the number of body parts being balanced upon and…
How's that Habitat?
In Science, we have been learning about plant and animal adaptations so they are better suited to live in their habitats. To start off, we matched and then learned as many facts as possible about a selection of habitats: grasslands, ocean, polar regions, arid deserts and rainforests. We worked in…

Tête, Épaules, Genoux et Pieds!
Bonjour, c'est la Sixienne Classe!
Do you like our French version of Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes? We've been all about the different body parts in our French lessons so what better song to choose than this?!
Printing Progression
We have moved onto the final layers of our prints! Before this lesson, we had designed our prints, created a simple print of the outline in one colour, and pushed down patterns and sections of our tiles for the second. By designing and pushing down our backgrounds on the polytiles, we are adding…
Come with us an a Pilgrimage!
In Year 6, we have been working in small groups when researching a pilgrimage from one of the key faiths: Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. They have worked hard to gather information and record their findings in an attractive and informative poster before presenting them to the…

No Greengrocer's Apostrophes Allowed Here!
In English we have started a new unit all about the British polar explorer, Ernest Shackleton! One of the books we are using within the unit is William Grill's "Shackleton's Journey". With a title like that, it would be daft not to recap apostrophes for possession and omission and work hard to…